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Sanam Saeed’s Latest Pictures

Sanam Saeed is a model, has been a VJ, she has hosted some very important shows, she sings too and she is a very talented actress as well. Sanam Saeed was a tom boy and still deep inside she is that which is why modeling has never been something that she has found exciting. In an interview she said that she loved acting the most and singing came second. For her modeling is just a way of earning money. Sanam Saeed is very tall and was always lean that is why when she started her career as a VJ everyone insisted that she should become a model. She has never liked it but takes up good projects whenever they come her way.

Sanam Saeed played the lead in the film “Bachaana” alongside Mohib Mirza. Sanam Saeed comes from a family which has never been in any way associated with showbiz so it was difficult for some of her extended family members to accept her decision to step in the world of showbiz. Sanam Saeed is known as a friendly person who is at good terms with everyone in the industry. She does not like a lot of make-up and she does not even feel comfortable wearing formal dresses but when she does, she makes it look like she loves it all!!!

Here are some latest pictures of Sanam Saeed from her photo shoot for Diva Magazine and others with her friends.

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