Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Ahsan Ramzan is a young Pakistani snooker player. Last year, in March Ahsan made a new record for amateur snooker and became the 2nd youngest player after Chinese player Yan Bingtao at world amateur snooker champion in the world. He represented Pakistan at the 2022 World Games held in Birmingham, United Kingdom.

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

A few days ago, the young Pakistani snooker World Champion Ahsan Ramzan was arrested by the police for opening his snooker club late at night. He opened it after 10:00 Pm. The world Snooker Champion has now been released but he is upset about the injustice done to him.

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

The young snooker champion broke down in tears at the media talk, saying his arrest was a complete injustice. The snooker champion maintains that he was mistreated by the police. He further said that the police did injustice to him, the police also misbehaved with him and humiliated him. He emotionally hugged the Sports Minister Wahab Riaz and demanded justice:

He also appealed to Shahbaz Sharif to take the notice of his unlawful arrest. Have a look at the twitter post:

People are of the view that he opened the Snooker club late at night and it is against the law. A few social media users are saying that he is doing drama, however, many people are of the view that people don’t cherish heroes in Pakistan. Read the comments:

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk

Snooker Champion Ahsan Ramzan Broke Down in Tears During Media Talk


My name is Sidra. I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am a masters degree holder in Mass Communication, also interested in Media and news writing. An enthusiastic person with passion of writing and creative thinking.
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