Syeda Aliza Sultan and Feroze Khan’s turbulent marriage remained in the news through all the years that they were together. Their divore also became a public affair and the custody battle for their two kids: Fatima and Sultan was in mainstream news everyday. They finally settled in court and now they are sharing the responsibilities of bringing up the children.
Syeda Aliza Sultan was a guest on Metatainment and spoke about how she has been bringing up two kids as a single parent. The children are mostly with her and she also sends them to visit and stay with their father. She shared that she is mainly focused on raising the two children and their well being.
Aliza shared that being a single mother is very difficult. You have to be the mom and the dad. You have to play the role of a man and at times one has to do things which they are not even capable of doing on their own. Thus it is a huge responsibility and she is grateful for the family support.
Listen to what she said: