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Top 5 Take Aways From Mein

Mein had a lot of hype around it as it brought two big superstars Ayeza Khan and Wahaj Ali together on screen. The promos were enough to hook the audience and the overall setting and the amazing OST sung by Asim Azhar pulled people to watch Mein. But once again, the audience was deceived by the promos and the original story turned out to be entirely something else.

Top 5 Take Aways From Mein

So, what is that you can actually take away from so many episodes of Mein. Well, there are always lessons and here are 5 takeaways from the not-so-magical world of Mein:

1.Asif Uncle:

Whether it is summer or winter, spring or autumn, whether a pandemic strikes or the world ends, one man you should aspire to be is Asif Uncle. Asif Uncle is suave, stylish and he is always composed. Yes, he got stuck with two stupid kids and the only child he deserved was Mubashira but he does not worry and keeps moving forward. He is unapologetic about everything he does and somehow always ends up looking good in every situation. So, lesson no. 1: Be Asif Uncle!

Top 5 Take Aways From Mein

2.Style Nahi Rukna Chahiye:

What if you are getting divorced, what if your second husband is a complete loser, what if he pressurized you into getting him a second wife. Yes, you could have mental health issues and you may get blamed for all the stuff other people are pulling off; BUT: Style Nahin Rukna Chahiye! Mubashira Jaffar teaches you to take care of your fashion sense as shit will always hit the fan. At least you look good while dealing with it. Indeed she is Mubashira Jaffar and she is perfect!

Top 5 Take Aways From Mein

Top 5 Take Aways From Mein

Top 5 Take Aways From Mein

3.All Losers Get Wives- Some Even 2:

It is an established fact now that Zaid is not the protagonist in this drama. He is simply a LOSER! He married Mubashira with his own consent and later abandoned her; like a loser. He left Ayra in the middle then did all things stupid and still needed Mubashira to get himself married to her while keeping his dad’s money; again like a loser and now he cannot handle either of them. So, LOSER!

Top 5 Take Aways From Mein

Top 5 Take Aways From Mein

Another loser is Rayyan. Why did you marry and now having a child. Why did you not object to giving the shares to Mubashira before and then later on harassed a woman. He enjoys smoking and hates responsibility. Another LOSER!

Top 5 Take Aways From Mein

But we learn that you can get a great wife even if you are a loser and some like Zaid can even get two!

4.Job Hunt Is Not A Problem:

We have a youth bulge in this country and a huge unemployment rate as there is no way businesses can grow here. This is one side of the argument which you hear from the affected youth which is leaving this country. Then there are government officials who think this is all a lie and we have streams of milk and honey flowing through our non-existing gardens. So, turns out that the officials are right. Getting a job is so easy, Zaid got one, Ayra got two and they did not even try that hard. So, guys job hunting is easy, the fault is yours as you are probably not trying in the right manner.

Top 5 Take Aways From Mein

Top 5 Take Aways From Mein

5.Love In Every Form Is Overrated:

We have a Mubashira who can fall in and out of love in seconds. We have a Zaid who just keeps stacking up wives without actually loving any of them. Ayra also rates ego over love and not even in a pretty way. Ayra’s sister-in-law married her off into her husband’s killer’s house because why not. Ayra did not love her brother enough to dump a man whose father got her beloved brother killed and we have a Rayyan who does not even love himself. Thus love is overrated, not just in romantic relationships but otherwise also as none of the children love their parents and vice versa.

Top 5 Take Aways From Mein

So, learn these from Mein and wait for how this mess gets wrapped up in the finale tonight!

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