Tried And Tested Tips For Quick Weight Loss

Weight gain and stubborn fat is a problem faced by many in the world. Once you gain weight, it becomes difficult to shed all those pounds and get back to your former weight. Weight gain can be problematic for your health as it causes lethargy, affects your skin and can cause heart problems in the long run. Plus people always have a goal weight that they do not want to exceed but can due to various reasons.

Tried And Tested Tips For Quick Weight Loss

As experts got together in Good Morning Pakistan, they discussed various issues from skincare to acne , pigmentation and weight loss. Different tips and tricks were shared so people can get their old figures back. A question was asked regarding quick weight loss as the lady wanted to attend a family wedding and wanted to fit in her old clothes.

Tried And Tested Tips For Quick Weight Loss

Dr Umme Raheel shared that you would have to control food portions. Plus take chia seeds mixed in yoghurt every morning for breakfast. She also prescribed drinking grapefruit juice mixed with apple cider vinegar. She also shared a soup for lunch which includes only vegetables. The doctors also went on to prescribe khar powder to be taken in the night.

Tried And Tested Tips For Quick Weight Loss

Check out the tips here:

Pakeeza Dar