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Vaneezah Ahmed On Finding Strength After Her Father’s Death

Vaneezah Ahmed is the supermodel of her era who beautifully transitioned towards acting and she is now one of the most sought after actresses in Pakistan. She has been working in some great dramas lately and she recently impressed everyone with her drama Kuch Ankahi on ARY Digital. Vaneezah was a guest on Tabish Hashmi’s Hasna Mana Hai and talked about her personal life.

Vaneezah Ahmed On Finding Strength After Her Father's Death

She shared that she lost her father when she was just 18 years old. They were living abroad and she came back after her father passed away. She said that it was a typical hoopla with people trying to make her into a damsel in distress but she was never that. She took her father’s advice, stood up, started modelling and she has not looked back since.

Vaneezah Ahmed On Finding Strength After Her Father's Death

Here is Vaneezah Ahmed’s story of strength:


She also spoke about leaving work when she had her daughters. She said that bringing up a child is the most difficult job in the world. In today’s inflation if a man is willing to let the wife take care of the child while he takes the financial burden then that is something he should be appreciated for. Vaneezah also decided that her kids are more important than her career and took a break till her daughters turned 8 years old.

Vaneezah Ahmed On Finding Strength After Her Father's Death

Listen to what Vaneezah had to say:


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