Zara Noor Abbas is a super talented and popular Pakistani television and film actor. She rose to prominence after appearing in Hum TV’s hit serial Khamoshi alongside Bilal Khan. Zara’s other famous TV shows are Deewar E Shab, Ehd E Wafa, Zebaish, Badshah Begum, Stand Up Girl & Jhoom. Zara Noor Abbas is happily married to the super talented actor Asad Siddiqui and they have recently become the parents of an adorable daughter Noor E Jahan who is the love of their life. Zara Noor Abbas and Asad Siddiqui love to spend time with their little family member. They often share her cute pictures but Zara never exposes her daughter’s face to the world.
Lately, the gorgeous Stand Up Girl actor shared the pictures with her daughter Noor E Jahan along with a heartwarming caption for her. She also revealed the reason behind hiding her daughter’s face from the world.
This is what Zara wrote in her daughter Noor E Jahan’s love, “This is for her sick days. When she is not feeling well. And the late nights and early mornings. The moments where I lose sensibility of everything else around me and only SHE matters. I didn’t know this existed. I thought I only had these feelings for my amma and Abba. And will never feel it again for anyone. But this is something more than that. This is crazier. Beyond all possibilities. You teach me resilience, perseverance, courage and strength to do it all. Thank you for choosing me. I love you Noor e Jahan. I want to and will do anything for you. InshAllah always and forever”.
She also revealed that she’s not showing the face of her daughter because of evil eye. Here is what she wrote, “Not showing your picture to the world anytime soon, because of evil eye. So please bear with only the Amma in her glory where no photoshop, body editing is done because I respect and appreciate my body for being so miraculous” Here is the post shared by Zara Noor Abbas:
Also see the adorable pictures shared by Zara: