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Zara Noor Abbas Encouraging Her Fans To Live Positive Life

Zara Noor Abbas and her husband Asad Siddiqi started a page ’The rise’ together in order to get involved more with their fans and help them raise their voice for their rights. They even have a YouTube page where they are going to make videos in which they would answer the questions their fans have asked. 

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The first episode was ’Letters for Zara’ in which Zara answers to her fans. She read a message from her fan Hania Irfan in which she wrote that her pimples, acne and bad skin bother her a lot. 

Zara Noor Abbas was a bit shocked that how can one say something like this to herself? Bigger house or a bigger car does not define that they are happy with their life. One can’t allow their insecurities to overshadow you. If someone tells you that you are not beautiful than first kick them out of your life and feel proud of who you are. 

Allah created you so be happy. Enjoy your life without thinking about what others would think about you. It’s your life so live it to the fullest. 

My name is Rahat Ghafoor. I have done Bachelor in Business Administration with Finance major. I am a housewife and working as a content writer for Review it.

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