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5 Reasons Why Bushra Ansari Should Quit Hosting!

Like every other person who thinks that our talented Bushra Ansari can do it all I also thought that she will nail hosting her own Morning Show too. I was also very happy to see stars from the past being invited in her shows because all the other Morning Show hosts focus more on young actors and actresses. While attempting to watch a few episodes of her Morning Show I have come to the conclusion that Bushra Ansari should not host any shows at all. Rest of the Morning Show hosts are typical and they also show the same old things but there are some things about Bushra Ansari that are especially irritating and more importantly it looks like she might be setting a few very bad precedents which other hosts might be tempted to follow.

I think that when someone is hosting a show they should be decent and they should encourage the guest to talk about themselves but Bushra Ansari overacts and does some things which are not very decent.

Talking More About Her Own Experiences Than Letting The Guests Talk!

Bushra Ansari always brings her own experiences related to work and family both in all her shows. There is nothing wrong with that as long the guests get to share their thoughts with equal freedom too. She asks a question but does not wait for an answer from the guest and starts saying things on the topic herself! We understand that Bushra Ansari is very experienced but she should understand that this show is not about advertising her own self but about getting to know more about her guests. Whenever I watched her show at the end of the show I realized that I found out very little about the guest and a lot about what Bushra Ansari did in her life!

The “Evil” Laughter!

Bushra Ansari’s laughter would fit perfectly in any animation where there is a wicked witch who has succeeded in accomplishing her evil plans but it is not fit for anything else. Her laughter is strange and evil, she really should work on it! It suited Shazia Chaudhry’s character but it does not suit Bushra Ansari the hostess!


Flirting With Her Guests

Nida Yasir, Shaista Wahidi and Sanam Jung are not perfect hosts too but at least they have enough integrity to not flirt with their guests. Sometimes it looks like Bushra Ansari takes undue advantage of her age and thinks people will excuse her for flirting with actors who are young enough to be her sons because she is old enough to be their mother! The flirting is uncalled for and it doesn’t fit in at all.

Greeting The Guests With Hugs And Kisses

Whether it is one of the old actors or the young ones Bushra Ansari’s way of greeting them is highly unpleasant. Their personal ties aside, Bushra Ansari should keep things decent on television. I hope that other hosts won’t be following her footsteps.

Dressing Up Like A Teenager

Bushra Ansari carries herself and dresses up like she is a teenager. I would say that younger hosts of different Morning Shows do not look so inappropriate when they wear fashionable clothes or do not wear a duppata but such clothes and the absence of duppata does not suit someone who people want to respect because of her experience and age.

Bushra Ansari does not make her guests play silly games on her shows but she has not been able to host the show with the grace with which the viewers wanted her to host it. Bushra Ansari is very good at doing comedy but this comedy is somewhat inappropriate for a Morning Show. I wish that Bushra Ansari showcased her intelligence more than her comic skills in her show. Bushra Ansari concluded her last Morning Show this week and with this show it would be really good if she concludes her hosting career altogether.

What do you think? Do you like Bushra Ansari’s hosting skills?


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