Iqra Aziz shines brightest of all when it comes to the stars of her generation. She may not have taken up films as yet but she’s become a brand, only at the age of 20, that can sell lawns, fragrances and serials. She may be trolled for being too short and tiny, she isn’t someone who takes it seriously. In fact everytime she proves everyone wrong and emerges a winner.
She recently gave an interview to Instep where she talked about at the Me Too movement. Iqra said, “I am amazed to see how people make fun of the #MeToo movement and take it so casually. It is a campaign that’s helping women come to terms with what happened with them, which is otherwise hard to face. Once a woman is able to accept it, she is in a position to react to it so that it doesn’t happen again,”
She continued, “Also, one should refrain from blaming the victim for taking so much time to speak out. How can you question someone for not speaking out earlier? Every woman has a different level of acceptance; it requires a lot of courage. The reason they are speaking out now is because society is changing and there is a movement that is encouraging them to finally expose those who have offended them. Women, including those who have been through it, are standing in solidarity. We need to stop victim blaming and need to hear those stories, support each other and take a stand against it.” Well, Kudos, Iqra for speaking in favor of such an important issue.