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Aamir Liaquat Got Furious On A Traffic Constable And Public Is Amused

Aamir Liaquat Got Furious On A Traffic Constable And Public Is Amused

Aamir Liaquat Hussain is a well-known Pakistani television host and politician who has been a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan since August 2018. He is extremely talented and he is usually called “Jack of Trades”. Aamir Liaquat has worked on various prominent channels and this year he was doing a Ramazan transmission “Piyara Ramazan” on express entertainment. Aamir has also hosted another show “Jeeway Pakistan” on express entertainment during Ramadan.

Aamir Liaquat Got Furious On A Traffic Constable And Public Is Amused

Aamir Liaquat has recently posted a video on his Instagram handle, where he was seen getting furious at a traffic constable in Karachi. The reason for him getting angry at the officer was stated by Aamir Liaquat in the Instagram post with his video.

Aamir Liaquat Got Furious On A Traffic Constable And Public Is Amused

Aamir Liaquat Got Furious On A Traffic Constable And Public Is Amused

Aamir Liaquat got furious because the traffic constables and police officers were fining the public in his constituency without any reason. He said that he has caught many officers red-handed in a single day who were taking money from the public in lockdown.

The video was first posted on Aamir Liaquat’s official Instagram account and later shared on different social media portals. Netizens were amused to see Aamir Liaquat in anger and posted fun comments on his video. Most of the social media users compared Aamir Liaquat with Salman Khan Iconic character Chulbul Pandey because of his get-up. Let’s have a look at some of the comments below.

Aamir Liaquat Got Furious On A Traffic Constable And Public Is Amused

Aamir Liaquat Got Furious On A Traffic Constable And Public Is Amused

Aamir Liaquat Got Furious On A Traffic Constable And Public Is Amused

Aamir Liaquat Got Furious On A Traffic Constable And Public Is Amused

Aamir Liaquat Got Furious On A Traffic Constable And Public Is Amused

Aamir Liaquat Got Furious On A Traffic Constable And Public Is Amused

Aamir Liaquat Got Furious On A Traffic Constable And Public Is Amused

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