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Activities to do over the weekend when you are extremely bored

There is not a single person I know who does not wait for the weekend to arrive. The weekend is seen as a means to relax before the Monday blues kick in again. Too often when we think about “fun” things, we can’t think of much to do.

Living the good life is all too often mistaken for living expensively. So what activities can you do to knock boredom out of your weekend vibes. Here’s a list we compiled for you:

Dine out with family/friends


From Japanese to Chinese to Mexican to Italian, there are new restaurants offering various cuisines opening every other day in the vicinity. So why not be adventurous and try out something totally different from your usual routine.

Watch a movie

rome english movies cinema films

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t want to interact much, grab some popcorn and catch your favorite movie in the cinema. Cinemas offer recliner seats too in case the movie gets boring and you decide to snooze away (Zzz).

Go shopping

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Aah, retail therapy! One of the best therapies out there for women especially. Even if you don’t want to splurge, window shopping is always a good idea too.

Go to a theme park or gaming arcade

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Feeling super adventurous and want to relieve your childhood? Gather your friends and head over to the theme park for some roller coaster rides. If you’re not that fearless, there is always the gaming arcade to beat your friends to some fun games.

Take a day trip

Family Monsters Picnic fun at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park istock
Day trips are extremely enjoyable especially if it is to places you have never been before. Throw a picnic lunch together and find a shady spot to enjoy the day with your loved ones. Weekend getaways are totally relaxing if you leave early morning, allowing for plenty of time to unwind during the day. You can read a book under the tree, take pictures, listen to music and just chill out.

Go to places in the city

img 3146If you love to explore new places but are restricted by budget and time constraints, then why not go to places you have never seen before in your own city. This can be from anything to the museum, the zoo, a random cool neighborhood which provides as a whole new learning experience.

Watch Netflix at home watchingnetflix

If you don’t want to leave the comfort of your home, then good old Netflix is a life savior. From movies to dramas to documentaries; the streaming service has a lot of options to offer for people of all age groups.

Try out new recipes

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Love cooking and experimenting with food? Search for recipes on YouTube to try out and next time your loved ones come over, treat them to scrumptious food made by you.


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Last but not the least, if you are extremely lazy, tired and do not wish to entertain anyone, then what better way to sleep your day away! Snooze all your lethargy away before another horrifying week ahead.


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