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Ahsan Mohsin Ikram’s Exclusive Round Of “Would you rather”

Ahsan Mohsin Ikram is a Pakistani actor and a businessman who hasn’t done much work on television yet has gained popularity in a short span. Mohsin Ikram is recently got engaged to the notable actresses of the Showbiz, Minal Khan.

Ahsan Mohsin Ikram's Exclusive Round Of “Would you rather”

Ahsan Mohsin Ikram's Exclusive Round Of “Would you rather”

Ahsan Mohsin Ikram was lately popped up in an exclusive round of “Would You Rather”.

The fist question asked to Ahsan was that would he rather get up early or stay up late, to which Ahsan replied that “I can’t get up early in the morning. I’m not a morning person at all.”

Ahsan Mohsin Ikram's Exclusive Round Of “Would you rather”

Ahsan Mohsin Ikram's Exclusive Round Of “Would you rather”

Replying to the question that would he rather see the past or go to the future, he mentioned “I’ll definitely go with future.” The third question to Ahsan was that would he rather find true love or ten million dollars and unexpectedly Ahsan chooses 10 million dollars over true love. “Maybe I’ll go with true love also, you never know”, added Ahsan.

Ahsan Mohsin Ikram's Exclusive Round Of “Would you rather”

Rather being super famous or super genius Ahsan chooses super genius because he thinks that everyone can be super famous but not everyone can be genius. Between hot and being extremely cool Ahsan prefers to be a mixture of both.

Ahsan Mohsin Ikram's Exclusive Round Of “Would you rather”

Ahsan Mohsin Ikram's Exclusive Round Of “Would you rather”

Ahsan chooses to live on a Island alone rather than being with a person who talks unnecessarily. Ahsan further wishes to be a kid for whole life rather than being an adult. He further added that he will be really sad if no one will show up on his funeral rather than his wedding.

Ahsan Mohsin Ikram's Exclusive Round Of “Would you rather”

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