From the past few month Aiman Khan has shockingly emerged as the most followed actress of Pakistan.
With unlimited number of fan pages, more than 7 million followers on Instagram; people are drooling over her we can say that she is the most loved female celebrity of Pakistan right now.
Aiman Khan in her recent Instagram live session answered the most anticipated question. She revealed the secret behind her flawless skin and her beautiful hair.
Talking about her skin care Aiman Khan said: Actually nothing I don’t do it on daily basis, I use Aloe Vera gel I bough it from medical store, I apply it on my skin. Otherwise I use body shop stuff, they are really very nice. I don’t go for facials and masks because I think I gets pimples after that. But I believe drinking a lot of water and eating fruits is best for your skin”
About hair care Aiman said: “I do oiling twice or thrice a week because I thing our hair are dyed and straightened so no shampoo or treatment can nourish them properly, I use body shop products, I love body shop personally I am using their coconut oil and its really nice”