“Aakhir Kab Tak” is 2021 drama aired on Hum TV, written by Radain Shah and directed by Syed Ali Raza Osama. “Aakhir Kab Tak” drama story is full of emotions, suspense, and entertainment. The lead role is performed by talented Ushna Shah. The drama story revolves around women’s violence issues in our society. Hum TV is known for producing dramas with unique stories and highlight the sensitive issues of our society.
The star cast includes some famous names of our industry including Azfar Rehman, Srha Asgar, Nabeel Shahid, Adeel Hussain, Haroon Shahid, Javeria Abbasi and many more. Here we have gathered some BTS pictures of drama serial “Akhir Kab Tak”. Check It Out!