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Cinema returns to Murree after two decades

Murree is a famous and popular hill station and tourist destination in Pakistan located in the north of Punjab.

Like every city Murree also had few cinemas, however due to the decline of film and cinema industry the last cinema was closed two decades ago. Now a new cinema is Murree is ready to welcome cine-goers.

Here is the what is reported by English Daily The Nation

Cinepax, Pakistan’s favorite cinema chain, today announced the opening of 9th cinema in Pakistan, and the first one in Murree. Cinepax Murree, has a single screen with a capacity of 300 and promises to offer the visitors signature Cinepax experience comprising impeccable customer service blended with digital movie screening. Cinepax CEO Hashim Raza shared his feelings about the addititon of this new cinema, “Very excited to open Cinepax, a name that is synonymous to quality family entertainment all over Pakistan. In Murree it will not only entertain Murree and surrounding area residents but will also delight tourists vacationing with families. Millions of people from all walks of life and from all over Pakistan visit Murree, and with the Cinepax Murree their travel experience can now include watching the latest Pakistani and international releases, in addition to the city’s various tourist attractions.
Cinepax in September opened it doors to its seconds cinema in Lahore with a 300 seat multiplex. Cinepax Lakecity and in the next 12 months plansto open five more cinemas across Pakistan.

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Rashid Nazir Ali

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