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Fakhr e Alam Is All Smiles In Russia

The singer and actor Fakhr e Alam is on a mission and it is known as Mission Parwaaz. He will become the first Pakistani to circumnavigate the globe with his mission in 28 days. Fakhr e Alam has kept Pakistanis in touch with his mission through his Twitter. He met with an inconvenience recently when he was detained due to visa expiration. Fakhr, however, got in touch with Pakistani foreign office and his visa was renewed easily.

Fakhr e Alam decided to have a burger and enjoy some fresh air while in Russia and went to a vendor. On seeing a Pakistni flag on his uniform, he was given a green bun for his burger. Fakhr felt glad at the love and warmth he has been getting since he has started his mission. He shared it on his Twitter:

Fakhr e Alam Is All Smiles In Russia

Fakhr e Alam will complete his mission in 28 days and will bring Pakistan a new thing to be proud of!

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