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Faysal Quraishi Shares His Near Death Experiences

Faysal Quraishi has been working in the industry for years. He started out as a child artist and later on worked in films before transitioning completely towards dramas. He is a superstar who managed to give diverse performances in his career. He has also been a successful host and nowadays he is getting appreciation for his role as Chanar Khan in Khaie.

Faysal Quraishi Shares His Near Death Experiences

Faysal Quraishi was a guest on Life Green Hai and he shared the near-death experiences he has had. He revealed that he got into a severe car accident that resulted in a cervical injury. He said that he even recited Kalimah as he knew he would not survive it but Allah SWT helped him and he came out of it.

Faysal Quraishi Shares His Near Death Experiences

He also revealed that he had to punch a glass during a shoot and as soon as he punched it, his arm got through the glass and his blood vessels were cut. There was a lot of blood loss but the director and crew all came forward to help with the blood loss and Allah saved his life once again.

Faysal Quraishi Shares His Near Death Experiences

Here are the near-death experiences Faysal has had and he shared them with his fans:

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