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Feroze Khan Ex Wife Aliza Posts About Bearing Trials & Tests At Young Age

Feroze Khan’s ex wife Syeda Aliza Sultan has officially announced her divorce, recently. She shared all the details with the public after which Feroze also confirmed the news. Syeda Aliza announced her divorce along with a charge sheet of allegations on his ex husband Feroze Khan.

Feroze Khan Ex Wife Aliza Posts About Bearing Trials & Tests At Young Age

Well, Syeda Aliza also accused her ex husband of abuse and violence. She said that she lived a traumatic married life in four years of her relationship, she said that she faced torture, trauma and abuse and these things were quite normal in her relationship. She further told that she took the decision of divorce for the sake of prosperity of her children and their future.

Feroze Khan Ex Wife Aliza Posts About Bearing Trials & Tests At Young Age

Well, this time, Syeda Aliza Sultan seems to be a bit shattered as a young single mother as she has come up with an emotional note regarding bearing challenges, trials and tests at youngerage she writes, “Bearing trials at a young age, gifts you resilience, empathy, curiosity, dignity, and it adds a volume to your life. Bearing a lot of heavy trials, doesn’t necessarily mean Allah doesn’t love you, it means, He loves you a LOT that he trusts you that you will pick yourself up, and learn to become a better version of you, so that you can reign the positions you asked for yourself. Giving the fame, honour, money or any high position you want is NOTHING for Allah He’s
Dhul-Jalali wal-Ikram: He says BE and it is. But the beauty in His request to wait, is that, there’s unlimited khayr in it. He knows, we do not”

Feroze Khan Ex Wife Aliza Posts About Bearing Trials & Tests At Young Age

Feroze Khan Ex Wife Aliza Posts About Bearing Trials & Tests At Young Age

Feroze Khan Ex Wife Aliza Posts About Bearing Trials & Tests At Young Age

It is to be remembered that Feroze Khan divorced Aliza and wants the custody of his kids as he says Aliza can’t afford to keep them as good as he can. He said this in the latest court trial.

Feroze Khan Ex Wife Aliza Posts About Bearing Trials & Tests At Young Age

My name is Sidra. I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am a masters degree holder in Mass Communication, also interested in Media and news writing. An enthusiastic person with passion of writing and creative thinking. Novel writing is my hobby and passion .

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