Hamza Ali Abbasi Fires Back at Ushna Shah

The Alif Allah Aur Insaan star, Ushna Shah recently unleashed a rant against hypocrisy during Ramadan on her facebook page. Her strongly worded post quickly gained her much media attention. She called people out on “selling Islam and being a shameless hypocrite” during the holy month and especially pointed to women who “make millions off Ramzam transmission by preaching the word of God on Iftar shows and become tutti fruitties a month later“. The post has gone viral since and has started strongly heated debates regarding the merit of what she said. However few celebrities have spoken up about her open letter until now.

Hamza Ali Abbasi, known for his strong opinions and not holding back when it comes to conveying them, also took to facebook saying: 

Hamza Ali Abbasi Fires Back at Ushna Shah

Though he did not name Ushna directly, the time of his post and the way it’s phrased strongly suggest it is a reply to her open letter. Especially “Don’t call them hypocrites” seems to be in response to the central theme of what Ushna was trying to say.

Summaya Baloch