Hamza Ali Abbasi is a popular Pakistani actor who has left acting during the peak of his career and now he is proudly spending his time in learning and practicing Islamโs teachings. Hamza recently has started voicing for the social causes and heโs often found taking interest in the public affairs.
Recently, on his twitter a user questioned his unconditional support to PM Imran Khan amidst all the poor situation and the inflation . The user asked, “ap Imran Khan ko bara support kartay thay ab kiya kehtay hain ? Awam ko mar diya gaya h please raise voice”. The user asked him to raise his voice.
To his question, the Man Mayal actor opened up about his evaluation on government. He said that he is also seeing and observing the government. He said that he’s satisfied with the foreign policy of PM Imran Khan but he’s not satisfied with inflation. He said that he will after two years about voting him again.
Have a look at his words, “I am also evaluating their performance and will see by the end of their term whether I should vote for them or not. Abhee takk its 50/50. Some things very good like foreign policy but other things not so good like inflation and mehngaayee. Lets see, only 2 yrs to go”