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Hania Aamir Feels All Happy On Her 23rd Birthday

The crush of town Hania Aamir just turned 23 and she looked way too happy on her birthday. Hania’s partner Asim Azhar threw a Stranger Things themed surprise party.

Hania Aamir Feels All Happy On Her 23rd BirthdayShe celebrated her birthday with her closest friends. The birthday girl later took to Instagram and shared her feelings on turning 23.

Hania Aamir Feels All Happy On Her 23rd Birthday

Damn! 23 already! Time flies man. Iโ€™ve always felt that Iโ€™ve grown up too quick compared to others my age and it used to be a bitter sweet feeling but I also know that MAN! your experiences are what make you YOU. I wouldnโ€™t have been where I am today if it hadnโ€™t been for the life Iโ€™ve had. The hard times make you stronger than ever and make you truly cherish the happy ones,” she wrote.

Hania Aamir Feels All Happy On Her 23rd BirthdayThis year I decided to eliminate all kinds of negativity from my life; any person that made me feel less; and to not be dependent on anybody else for happiness. Itโ€™s hard in the start when you filter your life out like this but itโ€™s always better to have people around you who actually care.”

Hania Aamir Feels All Happy On Her 23rd Birthday

Hania Aamir felt blessed to be with people who truly love and support her all the time.

This birthday I was surrounded by people who have been with me since the start or who love me for who I am. The OGs. I knew they were happy in my happiness and truly cared for me. No facade no pretence. Thatโ€™s what you want to feel like every single day of your life. Surround yourself with people who are truly happy for you and will be by your side what so ever! Some of my gems were missing but hey they donโ€™t love me any less! Hereโ€™s to loving yourself and being your own happiness and surrounding yourself with people who truly matter.”

Hania Aamir Feels All Happy On Her 23rd Birthday

She thanked all those who made her birthday extra special and shared, “Special thanks to mr.@asimazhar and @umermukhtar for making me feel so special every year . Also, thank you @shahbazshaziofficial for this cool as hell photo shoot! Happy Birthday To Me.”

Hania Aamir Feels All Happy On Her 23rd Birthday

Safina Jatoi is a content creator and editor at Reviewit. She loves to explore latest themes related to Pakistani Showbiz and Latest Happenings.

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