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How the cute couples met!

The cutest couples of television are those who make us melt with their chemistry. Their each and every interaction is met with responses like. “I’M GONNA DIE!!” and this might sound crazy but they tend to have that effect on us. Moreover, the actors performing those characters are stalked by fans and requested to get married in real life ASAP!  :D :P

This article lists down how the cutest couples met:


1. Ahmer and Zoya:

When Zoya joined the hospital for her practice, she met Dr.Ahmer for the first time and was caught drawing weird images on her notepad by him :D Cutest meeting ever!




2.  Bashar and Rudaba:

They met on the day Bashar came to Adil’s house when the only person present there was Rudaba. She made tea for him because her bhabhi called her and gave orders. When she over- heard Bashar giving killing orders on the phone she was terrified and her hands trembled which led to the cup shaking and Bashar screamed at her, “Band karo yeh thakk thakk!”





3. Aun and Zara:

These cuties met at a wedding where their picture was accidentally taken together and so began the amazing time of their lives.




4. Ashar and Khirad:

Khirad’s mother who was diagnosed with a disease shifted to her brother’s house. One night she told Khirad to call her uncle so she could have a conversation with him. When Khirad stepped into the corridor, our hero was roaming there and that is when they first met. Khirad told him about her mother’s desire and he then called his father. (They saw each other previously in Hyderabad too but they didn’t  have a conversation so that doesn’t count)

I would like to mention here how pathetically Humsafar scenes have been copied and how I would love not to see them being copied again because they are nothing like the experience Humsafar gave us.




5. Abdul Qadir and Nell:

Nell helped AQ when he was physically abused by a group of guys and took him to her house where she treated his wounds. This meeting led to her accepting Islam in the future and AQ turning into a staunch Muslim.




6. Shehbaz and Nazia:

They met when Shazia and Nazia decided to go on an adventure and watch a movie at the cinema for the first time. They bought a lot of things and didn’t have enough money to pay for them. Shehbaz came to the rescue.




7. Zaroon and Kashaf:

Zaroon, after seeing Kashaf’s name on the top of the admission list called her “churail awwal” and she over heard. This lead to their jharap in the classroom which was shown 100,000 times in the promos!

drama na


8. Rohan and Ainy:

They both met for a project and Rohaan immediately realized that Ainy was the one for him.




So what are your favourite couples and how did they meet?


Areeba Mohsen


My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.

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