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Hum Style Awards Highlights: Seasoned Dancers And New Singers!

Hum Style Awards were held last night in Karachi. Many A-list celebrities were missing from the event but many stars attended it too. People tried to look ‘different’ and a lot of unique styling was seen on the red carpet. Many stars performed at the awards night including Ahsan Khan, Syra Shehroze and Atif Aslam. All the actors were singing too at the show, the reason for which will only become clear after the awards air. Here are few glimpses from Hum Style Awards 2017:

Syra Shehroze’s Performance:

Syra Shehroze performed at Hum Style Awards 2017. She wore an all black outfit for her dance performance and she was seen practising for this moment for some days now. Though her movements do not look very precise in this clip, maybe the overall performance will claim the hearts of her fans. Asim also performed alongside her. Watch Syra performing at HSA17:

#SyraShahroz puts the star ablaze at #Qmobile Hum Style Awards! ??? #Karachi #Paperazzi #ThereisOnlyOnePaperazzi #QHSA17 #takellpr

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Atif Aslam And His Beautiful Voice:

Atif Aslam is the true performer. He knows how to make his audience stand on their toes and make people smile with him. Atif performed last night at Hum Style Awards where he also won the awards for Style Icon. Here is a short glimpse of the singer during his performance:

Sajal’s Sings O Rangreza:

A few days back, the OST of Sajal’s new hit drama O Rangreza came out in her own voice. And last night the actresses sang some lines in front f the whole crowd. Sajal sounds really impressive considering this is not something she has done before. Here listen to O Rangreza in Sajal’s voice again:

Yes, Urwa Sang Too:

Urwa Hocane was also among the celebrities who sung at the Hum Style Awards. May Be it was a practice to sing platform. Who knows? But here is a short clip of Urwa singing in front of the whole crowd:

#UrwaHocane sings for the audience at #HumStyleAwards #Happeningnow✨✨

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And How Can We Forget Bushra Ansari:

Bushra Aapa is also a part of the singers’ crowd. She sang a Punjabi classic. Listen to her voice and tell us what do you think of her vocals:

Bushra Ansari performing at Hum style Awards??? #QHSA17 #FarhanSaeed #BushraAnsari @farhan_saeed @bushraansari12

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Ahsan Khan’s Performance:

Ahsan was, as usual, a performer for the evening and as always danced extremely well. He knows the craft well and always sets the stage on fire. Here is Ahsan performing with Ilona Bekier:

Saba  Qamar’s Take On Stardom Via Bollywood:

Saba Qamar boycotted LSAs last year which caused a lot of controversy and looks like she is again giving her opinion on Hum Style Awards. Watch this:

And A Surprise For YKS Fans:

This is not a performance, I know that. But when your favourite comes together, one has to watch. Right? Here watch Dr. Asfandyaar and Dr. Zubiya together backstage having a fun moment:

Ahad and Sajal Backstage ?? #ahadian #ahadrazamir #sajalaly #qmobilehumstyleawards17 #qhsa17

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These are some highlights from Hum Style Awards. Which one did you enjoy? Share in comments!

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