Iqra aziz is woman of the hour. She’s featuring in an Asim Azhar’s single which is breaking the internet. It has also garnered the attention of Bollywood stars. Karan Johar tweeted that he loved the song. Iqra’s Ranjha Ranjha Kardi is an absolute delight. At the same time, her fragrance campaign by Maria B is also getting her enough attention.
Recently, FHM caught up with Iqra to see what she carries in her bag. Well, we were more than surprised to see that the Diva doesn’t carry much in her bag. Before opening the bag ans showing us what she was carrying she said that she was very nervous. She has got this cute and stylish black bag. The first thing that she took out was her hair clip which she said is the most convenient thing for her. She then showed us her shades. Keeping her style game always on point, shades are must for anyone.
Well, guess what she took out next? She said that her life is not possible without carrying this thing and we would like to agree with her before we reveal what was that. Well, it was an internet device. And last but not the least as she said was a perfume. Well, that’s all she had got. Take a look for yourself.