Nadia Khan has lost a lot of weight and she has retained her freshness after losing it which means that she lost all this weight in a healthy way. Sanam Jung asked Nadia Khan how she lost so much weight and that is when Nadia Khan shared her entire diet plan.
Nadia said that she cannot exercise because she has a back pain issue so she lost all this weight by eating wisely. First of all she said that she divided her daily meals into 6 or 7 small meals instead of 3 big meals. She also said that she does not eat eggs and she also does not drink milk. The milk she uses in her smoothies or for other purposes is either coconut milk or almond milk. She also said that it is a myth that one should not eat bananas when someone is trying to lose weight. She said that bananas taken alone are healthy and not fattening but if you add milk to them and make a milkshake then that is fattening.
Nadia Khan said that berries are very good for women and she should use them on daily basis. She also said that eats a lot of carrots and cucumbers. Nadia usually drinks a smoothie in breakfast. She takes a lot of fruits and fresh vegetables daily. Nadia Khan said that she changed her entire lifestyle to lose weight, this was not a journey of one month but an entire year.
She said sugar is the enemy when you are losing weight and even carbohydrates should be restricted in the diet.