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New Charity in name of Nazia Hassan

Muniza Basir the mother of legendary singer Nazia Hassan shared her latest initiative with media. Muniza shared that a new charity project is started in Nazia Hassan’s name in which underprivileged children of Karachi will study. The purpose is to educate the street children. Prior to this charity project no such project exists.

Muniza in a statement shared, “We are working towards establishing a school here in Karachi, but this is not just any other school in Pakistan. This school is specifically dedicated to the grooming and education of working children on the streets – who have been burdened with the expectation of earning for their entire families at the expense of their own education.”

Further she added, “Our school aspires to offer these children a course on whatever they are already doing as a profession, while also teaching them basic subjects such as English, mathematics, computer skills and history. The aim of this initiative is to brush up skills that would help them flourish in their profession, while also being capable of going and taking up their work in any other place and not having to worry about getting by.”
Nazia’s mother shared that Nazia was born in Karachi that’s why the project is started from this city and she believes to extend branches of school soon in other cities too. Muniza shared that previously she was busy bringing up Nazia’s son who is now studying law in Kings College.

Muniza also told that it was Nazia’s wish that an educational institution should be set up for the children so that while earning there bread and butter they are not left behind in the race of developing career. Therefore the aim of the institution is to provide a long term solution to children who grow up on the streets by providing them with diplomas from established universities.

“We will be offering a five-year course for our students, and have been reaching out to universities who can authorize and give these students a diploma. With this diploma, they can earn their livelihood anywhere. As we are sure that the universities will promote this initiative, it is to our great pleasure to announce that our students will now also have the option of pursuing higher education!” she says.

Muniza told that it’s one of the buildings of Nazia’s farther which is being utilized for the project. She said she was hesitant when she asked him but he approved of the idea immediately considering his daughters wish and the life of the poor kids.

The tentative name for the institution is Nazia Hasan Foundation and yet the opening date is not decided.




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