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Pakistan’s First Ever Awards For Men: BOLD MEN AWARDS 2017

Pakistan will be hosting it’s first ever awards honoring the extraordinary men of Pakistan. This will be taking place on a national scale, organized by popular body spray brand “Bold”. The Bold Men Awards is an initiative to celebrate men who make Pakistan proud, establishing the only platform to exclusively honour men. Especially those in the field of sports, comedy, news and other categories.

According to a press release, “The Bold Men Awards is an initiative to celebrate all men who make Pakistan proud.” The awards also aim to establish the only platform to exclusively honour men working in various fields.

Hasan Rizvi, CEO Bodybeat Events & PR, shared his thoughts. “I’m so proud to be involved in the conceptualisation of Pakistan’s first Men Awards,” he said, which was fine had he stopped there. But then he proceeded to say, “We have been recognising women a lot on media lately and while it is important to empower women, it is no excuse to ignore the rest half of population who are serving the country in various fields. Bold has taken a great initiative to show support for the talented men of our society.”

He continued, “Our brand represents men who make us proud and through these awards, we want to tell them how honored we feel that they represent Pakistan. We are conducting the awards digitally this year, as they’re taking place for the first time. We look forward to expanding our platform in the future and conducting a bigger and better ceremony.”

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