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PUBG Lovers Reaction On Its Ban In Pakistan

As PTA has decided to ban Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Mobile for being addictive and harmful for player’s health.

It is one of the most favourite games of Pakistanis and many people were quite crazy about it.

PUBG Lovers Reaction On Its Ban In Pakistan

However, due to a few death incidents because of the game, PTA has banned PUBG temporarily and issued a notice. It says:

“In view of complaints received from different segments of society, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has decided to temporarily suspend the PlayerUnknownโ€™s Battlegrounds (PUBG) game. PTA has received numerous complaints against PUBG wherein it is stated that the game is addictive, wastage of time and poses serious negative impact on physical and psychological health of the children.”

PUBG Lovers Reaction On Its Ban In Pakistan

This news has shocked the players and PUBG lovers are not taking it lightly. In order to cope with the situation, they are venting out.

Taking to Twitter, PUBG lovers have expressed their emotions through memes and angry posts.

Let’s check out how PUBG lovers are reacting:

Safina Jatoi is a content creator and editor at Reviewit. She loves to explore latest themes related to Pakistani Showbiz and Latest Happenings.

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