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Public Criticism on Sitara Yaseen’s Attention Seeking Content

Sitara Yaseen is a popular YouTuber who rose to fame after posting videos about her husband’s second marriage. Her video regarding her husband’s second wife (Comes Home) completed one million views within days after its publishing. Public on YouTube started following her. Sitara Yaseen kept on updating her fans with all the new happenings in her husband’s life with second wife. Her most popular video has now gained around 4 Million views. Previously, she was regular vlogger who used to post makeup tutorials. Public Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentHer most popular video captioned, “Second Wife is Home | Now I Have To Be More Strong”. Here is her viral video’s link.Well, the Facebook users, after knowing about the huge number of views on a meaningless video, got extremely offended and expressed their extreme anger. They said, “what could be expected from these uneducated YouTubers, they can’t offer any useful and meaningful content other than giving an insight into their home politics, which is sadly selling”. Many Facebook users expressed concern about people’s choice for watching content on YouTube. They said that this kind of content is not at all creative and is also damaging to the society. They were of the view that such ideas of creating content and becoming rich will pave ways wrongly for people and it should be discouraged and condemned. A Facebook user said, “I have never watched these type of cringe-worthy content creators, other than the Junaid Akram, I don’t watch anyone, it’s a shame that he hasn’t crossed a million mark yet”. Another Facebook user wrote, “It’s a pity that educated videos don’t get much views, but such videos with useless content supercede”. Another Facebook user took a sarcastic jibe and said, “It should be “Fault in our Rishtays” and then indian dhoom tana tana music should be added in background”. Have a look at public criticism on such content.Public Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking ContentPublic Criticism on Sitara Yaseen's Attention Seeking Content

My name is Sidra. I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am a masters degree holder in Mass Communication, also interested in Media and news writing. An enthusiastic person with passion of writing and creative thinking. Novel writing is my hobby and passion .


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