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Ramiz Raja Clarifies a Fake News Circulating about Him regarding IK!

The advent of social media and social platforms have provided us with opportunities to speak out our mind to the world. No one can argue that it has worked for the betterment of many, even sometimes helped in situations concerning missing persons.

Another positive aspect of social media is that it has brought us closer to our favourite celebriteis. It has made it possible to connect with them directly and for them to tell their fans what they want without having to hold some formal press conference. However, despite all the positive impacts, we all know social media has many negative aspects and impacts too. One of which is that the medium is slowly and gradually becoming a rumor creating and spreading machine.

The most recent victim of the biggest social media site, Facebook , is Ramiz Raja. A quote attributed to him saying that Imran Khan, the chairman of Pakistan Tahreek-e-Insaaf is a womanizer, lascivious and a philander, spread like wildfire on facebook.

Ramiz denied his association with this post posted on a facebook page in his tweet:

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