It is important to be an interesting person, and there are a lot of ways to be interesting. Interesting people get noticed and favored. People love to listen to them and talk to them. Moslty individuals want to be interesting for meeting new people, dates, job interviews and for their own contentment. Keeping up on what gives you that spark in life is ultimately what makes you interesting. So find yourself and read up on the ways to be interesting and ways to show it. In this article you will find some easy to use and perfect ways to make yourself feel interesting. One of the first ways to be interesting is to do what you say. It’s so easy to say something, but action is what truly shows people what you are capable of doing. If you take the action you say you will, people will respect you and see you as interesting. It gives you a lot of talking points to mention that you ran a marathon or recently skydived. If you usually say what you do and do not make up stories then people automatically trust you and try to be with you so this is a very useful tip. Â
 It is also easy to be interesting if you have a hobby or two and keep up with them. Find what you love to do and do it. You may like different things from when you were a kid, and that’s okay. Learn up about your hobbies as well, and you’ll have a lot to talk about. Reading books, going out to party, travelling, listening to music, watching seasons or movies, there are thousands of things you can choose from and see what you like to do. This way you will find someone with common interests and talk about it. Another way to be interesting is to keep up with the news. So much is always going on in the world, and many people do not even know it. Find a few news websites or channels you most enjoy, or get an app or two on your smartphones. Try to remain unbiased about issues at first until you know the entire story and are able to formulate your own opinion. Engaging in some type of art or entertainment can also help. Attending plays and sports games, going to museums and concerts, or movies and cultural festivals is another way to be interesting. Culture is what ties people together. With culture, one thing, food, a song or a cheer can connect you with someone else. It’s a fantastic thought. So amongst all of the malls, bars and parties, don’t forget to check out something cultural as well.
 Knowledge is amazing. If you’re really into something, it’s interesting to let others learn a bit here and there from you. If you’re really into making something or reading, study up on the types of materials or authors and their stories. The internet is full of content. If you know where to go, with a few clicks you can read some great articles that will give you interesting knowledge.
Some of the best stories are retold. Listen to your friends and the people you meet for their stories, or stories that they share. You’ll learn something new everytime you listen carefully. You will also be able to pick up on what makes that person interesting to you, which will help you shape your character and become more interesting to others. For me, inspiring people are some of the most interesting people and i usually get easily attraacted to people who inspire me. See what you find interesting. Spending time alone is very important for your self-awareness and character. By spending time alone, you’re allowing yourself to engage in your hobbies, learn more and see what your life is really all about. Spending time alone is necessary to find out who you are, and gain true confidence in yourself, your ideas and your ways of living. So try to take out sometime from you busy routine to spend alone and see what you really are or aspire to be. Not everybody likes spending as much time alone each week as others, but you will gain so much in even a little amount of time and learn to recharge a bit in your own space. Try it once and see what you feel. Do let us know about your suggestions as they are truly valued.
Written by: Moomal Hassan.