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Was Jamal’s Slap To Azra In Baby Baji Justified- Writer’s Perspective

Baby Baji was a sleeper hit for ARY Digital. The drama grew on the audience and people started relating to all the characters and themes portrayed in the show. All the actors got acclaim and people were upset when the drama ended. Baby Baji was full of lessons and touched the hearts of many. Baby Baji’s writer Mansoor Ahmed Khan was a guest on Fuchsia ad gave some insights on his story.

Was Jamal's Slap To Azra In Baby Baji Justified- Writer's Perspective

Mansoor shared that the drama has had a great and positive impact on people and there are people who are telling him real life stories. He revealed that a man gave his house to his wife after watching what happened to baby baji in the drama after her husband’s death.

Was Jamal's Slap To Azra In Baby Baji Justified- Writer's Perspective

Here is what he revealed:

He also shared that his own father was very proud of him after he saw the messages he has delivered in his drama. For one particular scene, Mansoor was actually awarded a one thousand rupee note by his father. It is Baby Baji after which his father said that you have genuinely become a good writer.

Was Jamal's Slap To Azra In Baby Baji Justified- Writer's Perspective

This is the praise he got:

He also opened up about the slap Azra got from Jamal in the end. He said that he is not too keen on showing slaps but not slapping Azra at that point would have destroyed Jamal’s character. He further said that he as a writer could have stopped it but from the character’s point of view it would look forced and not justified. So, showing that slap was very necessary.

Was Jamal's Slap To Azra In Baby Baji Justified- Writer's Perspective

Here is his opinion:

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