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Why Producers Were Scared Of Kabli Pulao

Kabli Pulao is a drama that has hit everyone like a heavy duty truck and people are loving it though many were expecting that such an unconventional and positive story would not work. Kabli Pulao trends on YpuTube every week and it is a hit not only in Pakistan but people in other countries are also dying to see what will happen with the beautiful pair of Barbeena and Haji Mushtaq.

Why Producers Were Scared Of Kabli Pulao

Saqib Sumeer plays Ghaffar in the drama and he was a guest on Fuchsia where he revealed some unknown facts about Kabli Pulao. Kabli Pulao is airing on Green TV and Saqib is also a part of another Green hit Jeevan Nagar. He revealed an unknown fact about both the dramas and makers were scared of both the dramas.

Why Producers Were Scared Of Kabli Pulao

Saqib revealed that Jeevan Nagar and Kabli Pulao are both very unique stories and makers were scared if they would work or not. If they worked, they would open gates for new content while if they did not work, all the other saas-bahu drama makers will say that they already said to have cracked the code for hit dramas.

Why Producers Were Scared Of Kabli Pulao

Therefore, it was a moment of relief for everyone that the drama was a hit and now more channels will come up with different content. He also thanked Green TV for taking this initiative to air such different dramas.

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