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Aamir Zaki is supportive of upcoming musical talent

Aamir Zaki aims to help and be a mentor to upcoming and young musicians.

There is a new platform for fresh talent called “Sing with Aqeel”, the show will be launched from dingy studio in Gulshan-e-Iqbal. And Aamir has this to say about it to the Express Tribune:

“It’s a good cause,In fact I am itching to do it yaar. I saw this girl perform the other day and she was great. So I feel it’s my duty to support them, if we don’t then who will.”
Upon being asked if Pakistan have enough platforms where the new can learn from the seasoned?
“Not enough. I think even for the pros there aren’t enough platforms in Pakistan,” he smirks, and the statement is followed by an awkward silence. “You know I come from a time when there used to be a lot of bands and performances so the current scenario is obviously going to seem very dry to me.”
The name of the show comes from its founder, Aqeel Ahmed Khan who forayed into the music industry in 1994. He started off as a session player and later on ventured into production with the music of Bankay Miyan Ki Qawalli and some seminal works of Faakhir and Rahim Shah under his belt.

“I just want to give a platform to the unprivileged music talent of Pakistan,” Aqeel tells The Express Tribune. “Two ventures, namely Nescafé Basement and Coke Studio are not enough to cater to a population of 200 million people out of which at least a million are potential stars.”

“You need to be part of a certain clout to make it there; you have to be a sellable product other than being talented”, added Aqeel.

“I admire Aqeel as a person and a musician and everyone he has taken on board deserves to be there, says Zaki.

The show will launch its first episode this Friday from the group’s facebook page and will then turn into a weekly affair.




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