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Age Is Just A Number !!

People tend to gravitate towards moods and situations and hobbies and habits and even other human beings who are closer to them in age. While there’s hardly ever considered anything wrong in being maturer and wiser beyond your years, there is always an element of ridicule involved when someone older behaves in a younger way.

However,we have some very talented actors and actresses who will make you believe without uncertainty that age is infact just a number. They play characters much younger than themselves and being out a new dimension to them with their experience.

We have made a list of some stars whose age in real life you would never be able to guess, considering the on screen roles they perform.

Age Is Just A Number !!

Who can beat this man when it come to acting and for that matter, looking flawless. His recent roles, varying from Irtaza to Mohid to Fawad Khagga, all go more than skin deep with him. He embraces them with ease and brings his sombreness to the required boyish charm and creates a combination that is simply a treat to watch. You cannot find a lot of forty six year olds who would be able to swoon super heroines on screeen and million star struck fans off it. There is nothing even remotely middle aged about Humayun Saeed, just raw masculinity and very well groomed acting skills.

Age Is Just A Number !!

Talking of the best among the best, Mahira Khan still leads the way. When she appeared as Falak, everyone thought she had acted young enough but then came Sadqay Tumharay and you wouldn’t believe how at ease Mahira was as the innocent and passionate college girl Shano. She proved she can go years back, which she did again as Saba in Bin Roye and yet again looked perfectly fit for the role. Part of the charm may be her sheer stroke of good luck, because she is so gorgeous without makeup that it is not hard to rewind a whole decade from the thirty three year old super star’s face.

Age Is Just A Number !!

When the somber and serious businessman Ashar became the frivolous and carefree Zaroon, a lot of people were skeptical that he might be the wrong choice for this role, but he proved everyone wrong and shone brightly as the handsome man who still had a lot of lessons to learn in life. His Bollywood roles have also been quite fun and young. All in all, from Numm to Behadd to Zindagi Gulzar Hai, Fawad can easily turn back the gears and you wouldn’t notice a thing out of place.

Age Is Just A Number !!

Sarwat Gillani also defies her thirty five years very easily on screen and even off it. Her slim figure and animated persona fits her right into the centre of much younger roles. She can easily play the young and cunning Zoya and nail it perfectly and then go on to become the Alvira of Koi Nahi Apna and flaunts being the mother of a seven year old easily. From being a young mother to a young unconventional college student, age is never a deterrent in the roles Sarwat can play.

Age Is Just A Number !!

Sanam Saeed has a very nonself conscious aura around her. She is so comfortable in her own skin that she dons a colourless dopatta and no makeup looks of a sad, impoverished mother in Shukk and then the fiery and temperamental Kashaf, both with ease and charm. This gorgeous thirty two year old also has the ability to nail any and every character that comes her way, young or old, married or single.

Age Is Just A Number !!

Last but not the least is this gorgeous diva who surprised us by playing the role of mother of a teenaged daughter and translating the feelings and reservations of such a character perfectly. She has also done many roles that suit her age and has nailed them all, but for Pakeeza, she went on to play a woman much older than herself and never once did she fall short in her effort.

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