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Aik Aur Din Sanam Ke Sath!

After watching a few repetitive, painful and staged episodes of Jago Pakistan Jago which were more of a narration of another day in the life of Sanam Jung, we are fully convinced that this show should be renamed “Aik Aur Din Sanam Jung Ke Sath”!! We are not arguing the fact that Sanam Jung has a massive fan following and some of these (more desperate we need to get a life) fans probably wake up every morning to find out whether Sanam Jung slept well at night or not, if Qassam and Sanam had a fight in the past 14 hours or so and whether Sanam struggled to make dinner or was she lucky enough to get dinner from her susral but most of the viewers do not tune into this show to find out the trials and tribulations in the life of the “self-proclaimed” housewife who is clearly not a housewife!

The reason why we are more disappointed in Sanam Jung trying so hard to fit into the role of a typical morning show host is that we expected better from her. She is educated, we also believe she is very intelligent and she is an outgoing young lady with a vibrant personality yet every morning she wakes up to prove to the world that she is just another struggling housewife and mother who cannot cope. By doing so, first of all she is not helping anyone and secondly, she is only promoting a stereotype because most housewives do much more than just looking pretty for their husbands, cooking good food and mulling over trivial matters.

In yesterday’s show Sanam Jung while talking to her other housewife buddies said ” hum jaisi housewives” which was yet another attempt to blend into the crowd (which we are not even sure exists!).  It is a common practice for talk show hosts to share some personal stories with their viewers in order to make the viewers connect to them at a more human level but Sanam Jung takes this practice a little too far and while doing so she definitely undermines many of the housewives out there who actually find her daily struggles (real or not) annoying, to say the least.

We often hear Sanam Jung speak about how she wants regular people and her viewers to relate to her but does she really present herself or her life in such a way where regular ladies who come from all walks of life, who belong to different social classes can find it easy to relate to her? Sanam Jung obviously doesn’t really understand the struggles that generally women go through because she lives in a bubble of her own perfect world and believes in turning her non-issues into the issues for her viewers to either sympathize with her or see her as one of them, but most of the times or rather all the time, its a failed attempt because the nominal things that she complains about are things that other women have to deal with almost every single day of their lives. With Sanam Jung it is so obvious that there is a gap between her and her audience and she doesn’t really do much to overcome it.

Sanam Jung very often asks her guests a question and ends up answering it (in detail) herself because obviously Sanam’s experiences carry more value than all of her guests put together. We are certain that many other viewers who tuned into a specific episode of Jago Pakistan Jago in order to learn something new about a certain celebrity guest were terribly disappointed since the host does not allow her guests to speak a lot. Not only this, there have been times when Sanam Jung invited “experts” to the show and ended up giving expert opinions herself and the guests were left wondering what they were supposed to do there!

Yes, everyone wants to know what the hosts who grace their TV screens on a daily basis do and live their life like but Sanam Jung, without a doubt takes self-obsession to a whole new level! For any host, to share personal experiences in order to teach the audience is definitely a must but every time we listen to Sanam, we are left baffled as to what details like having strawberries in her fridge, eating semolina for her daughter, a change in her shoe size after her pregnancy, her husband switching the Air Conditioning on when she is asleep, her maid hunt, her daughter making faces at the sight of food, she being unable to cook would do for the audience? The way Sanam speaks about herself and her life goes to show that she is one of those people who don’t really care if the listener is actually interested to listen to the things that she is saying or not, because if she was mindful of the fact, she would cut down on this practice and make her input in the show a little interesting by not making it all about herself.

Sanam Jung thinks people who watch her shows are unable to see that she can walk the walk, but can’t talk the talk, in a sense that she presents herself as a people’s person, as someone who thinks everyone is the same but does exactly the opposite when it actually comes to the general public, the regular people, yes, the enthusiastic audience of her show, who sadly love her so much that they are unable to see her bizarre behavior towards them. Sanam’s attitude with her audience is always questionable, where she conveniently snubs them, easily shows her displeasure, doesn’t really do much to connect to them on a personal level, making it evident that she only communicates with them because it is the format and the requirement of her show otherwise she would never stop and talk to a random person or hear their story as she is filled with so many stories of herself that she doesn’t have time for anyone else.

Since it is a common practice in Jago Pakistan Jago that the hostess even snubs her guests if she doesn’t agree with what they are saying, so it makes us feel that Sanam should stop inviting people to her show, like there should be no audience, no guests and Jago Pakistan Jago can turn into a One Woman Show where Sanam doesn’t have to deal with people and where she does not have to stay quiet because someone else is speaking. Since Sanam has so many personal stories to share, she can easily run a 2 hour show by talking about herself, her life, her husband, her daughter, her mother, her father and her sisters as this is something that she normally does, so this is our suggestion to the Channel and the Producers of the show. However, the real question is, how many people would really be interested in watching that show! ;)

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