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Armeena Khan Joins HRF To Help Syrian Refugees

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Armeena Khan shows no coyness when it comes to being vocal about her political views. The Janaan starlet was previously seen supporting Syria on her social media and now she has joined hands with Human Relief Foundation to help Syrian refugees.

The actress took to her twitter and said,

“Alhamdullilah! We managed to fundraise this much for the #victims in #Syria. The @HumanReliefFoun team flew to #Jordan yesterday with your generous donations. You will see your money at work.”

True to her word, the Janaan starlet recently shared a video on Twitter, in which the foundation has put the donations to good use.

She wrote,

“Want to see your donations at work? We launched an appeal, couple of weeks ago for Human Relief Foun this is what they’re doing with your money. Thank you so much to all those who donated! The team couldn’t have done it without you. Please keep giving. Well done Saira.”



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