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Ayesha Umar And Hina Dilpazeer Met With Young Cancer Survivors

Cancer is one of the diseases that have been spreading very quickly among the masses and it doesn’t limit itself to a certain age and kids these days have been suffering from this deadly disease as well.

Child Aid Association has recently inaugurated a fund raising event for the Cancer Center NICH and Hina Dilpazeer and Ayesha Umar were there at the event to stand up for the cause. These women were there to support the kids battling with cancer and Ayesha even stepped up at the event to educate the people about this fatal disease. They were up for the support of such organizations and their missions so as no more precious lives would end due to this lethal disease.

Here are the pictures of Hina and Ayesha from the event.

Ayesha Umar And Hina Dilpazeer Met With Young Cancer SurvivorsAyesha Umar And Hina Dilpazeer Met With Young Cancer Survivors

Ayesha Umar And Hina Dilpazeer Met With Young Cancer Survivors

Ayesha Umar And Hina Dilpazeer Met With Young Cancer Survivors


Our showbiz industry is full of kind hearted and down to earth people. When we really get to know the celebrities, we realize that they are not those people that we put on a pedestal fan and that we hardly can relate to due to the life that we consider they are spending, we realize that they are the people who have gone through ups and downs of life like every other human being and they have seen the life the same way that we have. This realization makes us like our favorite personalities even more.

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