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Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Characterizations in dramas can make all the difference. Apart from the storyline, different shades of the characters in a drama attract the attention of the viewers. Even a negative character can stand out and leave a mark if it is etched-out well. Similarly, a well-etched-out supporting character can sometimes have more of an impact than a leading character. In order for a character to stand out, it should be layered and logical.

The best dramas are obviously those in which the leading and the supporting characters hold the interest of the viewers and keep them intrigued. Also, the journey of these characters plays a crucial role in making them more appealing. Every year, Pakistani drama writers give us so many unforgettable characters that leave a lasting impression.

Here is a list of the best on-screen characters of 2020 Pakistani Dramas:


Danish – Mere Pass Tum Ho

Mere Pass Tum Ho had some of the most unusual characters and out of all these characters; it was Danish who gave the viewers a few of the most memorable moments of this drama. Through this character, the writer in the aptest manner possible showed how heartbreak affects a person who trusted someone with their eyes closed. Danish’s world revolved around his wife Mehwish, when she betrayed and left him, he did whatever he could to get over her and eventually ended up being a really strong individual. Although Danish had more courage to face the world and take risks after Mehwish left, he never fell out of love. He remained madly in love with her right till the end but also could not take her back. Danish died of heartbreak and left a lasting impression.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Shehwar – Mere Pass Tum Ho

Shehwar’s character in Mere Pass Tum Ho was a negative one. He fell for Mehwish the second he saw her and he could not care less that she was married. Although he himself was already married, he played an important role in making Mehwish take the most crucial decision of her life which she regretted later on. We saw many negative and conniving men in Pakistani dramas in 2020 but this one will stay fresh in our memories forever because of the havoc he played in everyone’s life. He was a true representation of men with absolutely no moral compass who never feel guilty for ruining someone’s life.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Sameer – Ishq Zahe Naseeb

Sameer’s character was unique and probably being shown on Pakistani television for the first time. Sameer suffered from an identity disorder and was bipolar. The viewers not only loved his character but understood his journey. It was a huge step up and quite an encouragement for the writers to know that the viewers were now open to such characters and wanted to learn more about issues revolving around mental health. Sameer’s character was not only brilliantly written but he was humanized in such a way that actually made the viewers feel for him a lot. Zahid Ahmed is a fine actor but in Ishq Zahe Naseeb he wowed the viewers as he had never done before.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Saad – Ehd-e-Wafa

Ehd-e-Wafa was another drama that gave us many unforgettable characters in 2020. Saad wasn’t always likable, his stubborn nature, in the beginning, was even annoying. However, as his character became mature, he turned out to be a really sensible young man with a good heart. The most appealing aspect of Saad’s personality was that pleasing his father was on top of his priority list. Letting his father down was the lowest point in his life and making him proud was the best one. He also proved to be a great cadet and leader who looked out for his batch mates in ways which only a sensitive and caring person would have. He was equally likable and supportive as Dua’s partner.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Shehryar – Ehd-e-Wafa

Just like all the characters in Ehd-e-Wafa, Shehryar’s journey was also one which held the viewers’ interest right till the end. Shehryar’s track started by showing the reckless and fun side of his personality. As the story progressed, the viewers got to watch different layers of his character. He turned out to a really focused, determined, and intelligent young man. Although he came from a lower-class background, he worked hard to change his destiny. At the same time, he was not embarrassed by his background. He assisted his father with his job whenever there was a need to do so. He was the most sensible male lead in drama serial Ehd-e-Wafa, someone who never compromised on his principles and had big goals.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Ramsha – Ehd e Wafa

Drama serial Ehd-e-Wafa had so many progressive and inspiring female characters. Ramsha was one such young lady who was shown as an independent working woman. Ramsha was wise, practical, and sensitive. She was also someone who did not need a man in her life to support her. On the contrary, her relationship with Shariq was based on mutual trust and support. They were equal partners in everything whether it was their work or the emotional investment they put in their relationship. This was truly a refreshing character that broke so many stereotypes.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Dua – Ehd e Wafa

Dua did not appeal to the viewers at first but as the story progressed and this character evolved, we got to see a caring daughter, a dedicated student, and a motivated working woman in Dua. This was another character that went against the stereotypes by putting forward so many inspiring messages for all the young ladies out there. When her father passed away, she was the one who took up the difficult task of taking care of her mother without any help. Her reaction when she found out that she was adopted also showed the strength of her character. Dua was completely focused on every phase of her life. She also had the courage to speak up when it was needed the most.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Faryal – Ehd e Wafa

Faryal will always be remembered as a role model for all the mothers out there. Usually, working women are shown as failures as mothers and homemakers in our dramas. That was certainly not the case here. Faryal used her wisdom both in her work and also at home. She was a friend to Saad and without her advice and support; he wouldn’t have been able to make all the right choices.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Qalb e Momin – Alif

Qalb e Momin was a beautiful character written by Umera Ahmed. He was a perfect representation of all those believers who face struggles on a daily basis to stay on track and explore their spirituality. Qalb e Momin was a disturbed child because he saw his parents failing miserably, but because of his grandfather, he slowly and steadily found his path and realized that his life had a bigger purpose. Qalb e Momin’s spiritual struggles were convincingly shown by the writer, this is why his character was easy to relate to. Hamza Ali Abbasi’s presence and acting played a huge role in making this character shine more.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Abdul Ala – Alif

Dada Jaan for Qalb e Momin and Abdul Ala for Pakistani drama viewers, this was a beautiful character that the viewers of drama serial Alif got to witness. His kindness and acceptance towards Qalb e Momin was heartwarming. Abdul Ala had regrets; he lost his son because of his stubbornness and preconceived notions about his daughter in law Husn e Jahan. Abdul Ala’s journey showed that accepting one’s faults and trying to do what it takes to rectify them is of utmost importance. The dialogues of Abdul Ala were beautifully written and this character was portrayed phenomenally by Manzar Sehbai.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Husn e Jahan – Alif

Husn e Jahan was a selfless woman who did everything for others all her life and when she made a decision for herself, she was once again forced to be selfless because now, she had to do the heavy lifting for her emotionally absent husband and the curious little child who deserved nothing but the best from his parents. Husn e Jahan knew that because her husband was unable to do enough for their child, she was always there for him, she was kind and gentle in her approach towards her son. Husn e Jahan’s character is such that it will make you cry and feel for her because of the way she was mistreated and misunderstood by all those who mattered to her the most. Kubra Khan’s unparalleled performance etched this character in the hearts of the viewers.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Momina Sultan – Alif

Momina Sultan was another beautiful character from the drama serial Alif. She was selfless and tried to do everything in her might to be there for her parents and brother. Momina put her family above her and the only thing she wished for was the love of someone but when she saw it was too demanding and will force her to lifelong compromises, she walked away. It won’t be wrong to say that Momina’s character was all alone, she did have a family and very supportive friends but in the whirlpool of a life that she was leading, she realized that she can not fall back on anyone because there’s absolutely no one for her. Momina, despite being tired did not give up and the best aspect of her personality was that all the fame and success that she achieved did not mean anything to her because it was not what she dreamt of.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Ramsha – Dushman e Jaan

Although the character of Ramsha was short-lived, the writer Sarwat Nazeer wrote it in such a manner that it made an impact quickly and grabbed the interest of the viewers. Ramsha was fighting her battles, she had to put herself in the world every single day to make a living but without making it obvious to her family, she selflessly did all that she could. Ramsha was unapologetically herself, she was strong and independent. She had made up her mind of dedicating her life to taking care of her family, she too had emotions and found herself developing feelings for Hatim. Ramsha was sorted and strong, she knew what she wanted from life. Such characters are a rarity in Pakistani dramas but she definitely was a memorable character. It was good to see Tooba Siddique back on TV after a long time and she gave a solid performance.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020


Hatim – Dushman e Jaan

The character of Hatim was flawed and had a lot of layers but the best part about him was that he believed in making amends and becoming a better person. The character of Hatim went through a drastic change in his life, his entire journey was full of ups and downs but all of it was a slow transition, which made his journey memorable and quite special. Hatim changed completely and it was a treat seeing him becoming a giving person. The way Mohib Mirza adapted this character and portrayed it soulfully not only impressed the viewers but allowed them to see him in a completely different light.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Mehmood – Ruswai

There are few supporting characters that make you feel for them, the way Mehmood did in Ruswai. He was shown as an unfortunate father who failed to save his daughter from kidnappers and was held responsible for the tragedy, Mehmood made us cry buckets of tears. His daughter blamed him for saving his daughter-in-law instead of her and this resulted in creating a rift which made the viewers take sides too! Mehmood went through so many trials and each one of them was translated so well by Syed Muhammad Ahmed, this character will never be forgotten.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Mahjabeen – Pyar Ke Sadqay

Mahjabeen can easily be termed as one of the most unusual yet the most adorable characters in Pakistani dramas. Mahjabeen was a young girl who was completely aware of her limitations and failures but that never stopped her from trying to stand out in some way or the other. Her innocence was the most charming aspect of her character. She was the kind of character that made the viewers laugh and cry at the same time. Mahjabeen will definitely be remembered for a really long time!

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Washma – Pyar Ke Sadqay

Washma from Pyar Ke Sadqay was just as likable as Mahjabeen but for entirely different reasons. She was a wise and resilient young woman who made all the right choices even when the odds were completely against her. Even though she never had the support of her mother, Washma learned to take a stand for herself, and later on, she was Mahjabeen’s biggest support. Washma’s powerful personality was the highlight of every episode she was a part of. Washma was a strong, positive, and intelligent young lady who was wise beyond her years. Her life experiences did not make her bitter but on the contrary, they helped her deal with people in her life according to a given situation. The viewers looked forward to her scenes and she never disappointed them.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Lalla Rukh – Pyar Ke Sadqay

Pyar Ke Sadqay has another strong and likable female character such as Lalla Rukh. Although this character did not get a lot of screen time, it is safe to say that it had a definite screen presence. Lalla Rukh was an independent, compassionate, gentle, and positive woman who had been more than just a phupo to Washma and Abdullah. She was a mentor, someone who always gave the right advice to everyone whether someone wanted to hear it or not. Even though Mansoora got married to the man she loved, she did not only forgive her but was also there for her in her tough times.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Sarwar – Pyar Ke Sadqay

Sarwar is one of the few characters in the list who was negative, he was hated by everyone who watched the drama for obvious reasons. Even with all his negativity, this character played a crucial role in the story and it was written convincingly throughout. Sarwar’s manipulative nature and his selfish approach towards everything were some of the traits which were shown logically throughout. Such characters definitely reflect all such people who ruin other people’s lives and never hold themselves accountable.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Kashf – Kashf

The story of drama serial Kashf revolved around the life of Kashf, who was the pious soul surrounded by selfish people who made her put up with their unreasonable and irrational demands only because they were her family. In this drama, Kashf’s character stood out for her honesty, her niceness, and her selflessness. The journey of Kashf was never easy but the end that she got showed how this world is just a chance given to each one of us to make our transition to the next world as beautiful as possible. This life of Kashf was full of challenges but her ending put everything to rest because her life in the next world was going to be as smooth as depicted by her death in this life. Seeing Kashf was an emotional ride that imparted some brilliant messages across the way. Hira Mani’s measured performance made Kashf an unforgettable character and drama.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Shanzay – Ghalati

In the drama serial Ghalati, Shanzay’s character definitely stood out because it is a rarity to see such young girls in Pakistani dramas who are so sorted and rightfully opinionated. Shanzay’s character was never given a lot of coverage but her morals and ethics were enough to leave an impact. It was all because she was raised with such strong values that nothing deterred her from stating the truth, not even her husband’s mother or sisters who wanted Shanzay to suffer like Zaira as well. Shanzay was straight-forward and more so, honest because of which she succeeded in making her own decisions and always took a stand against the wrongdoings of people around her. Her character was a breath of fresh air in a drama which showed a girl like Zaira getting oppressed to the limit.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Nagina – Deewar e Shab

Nagina was a single mother who never got the acknowledgment of her mother and spent her entire life filling the shoes of her dead sister who was idealized by her mother, Nagina’s journey has never been easy. Despite being someone who suffered from low self-esteem and saw herself as unworthy, she succeeded in being a provider for her entire family for years. Nagina put everyone above her and completely forgot about herself because she knew that she was the only one who could bear the responsibility and the burdens of her family. Nagina never complained, however when things got too overwhelming for her, she always channeled out her frustrations by going around taunting and teasing her frenemies, as well as flaunting her successes and blessings in front of them. It showed her lighthearted approach towards life when things got tougher and also showed that she didn’t mind being a child at heart sometimes.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Shamsa – Thora Sa Haq

Although drama serial Thora Sa Haq was all about unreasonable and irrational characters, surprisingly there was one such character who made it to this list and was Shamsa; Seher’s hometown neighbor. What’s best about her character was that she stood for the right and despite facing objection from her own husband and daughter, she stayed firm on her decision of supporting Seher. One of her reasons for being nice to an orphan like Seher was heart-warming that because she wanted good to come her daughter’s way, she was doing the favor to someone else’s daughter. Usually, in such a setting, it is hard to find such characters who can differentiate between right and wrong and go to any lengths to do right by someone, this definitely made her one of the best characters seen this year.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Farwa – Nand

Drama serial Nand had some of the most typical characters but it also had one of the most progressive female characters. Farwa was an educated, level-headed, sensitive, and sensible young lady who made the right choices throughout. She was the only one who had the courage to speak her mind in a house surrounded by people who were constantly under Goher’s pressure. She was definitely the kind of woman who did not need a man to save her but she believed in loving and respecting the man she loved. She was also one of those few females in Pakistani dramas who decided to move away from a toxic relationship.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Aleem – Nand

Aleem was a supporting character in drama serial Nand, but he was one of those male characters in dramas this year who set a really good example for the most part. It was good to see a brother who stood by his sister’s side and had a really gentle side to his personality. The scenes in which he had to needlessly beg for forgiveness because Rabi wanted to go back to her house, were a few of those scenes that will never be forgotten.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Shireen – Prem Gali

Saba Hameed is known for playing substantial characters. Although she mostly plays the roles of mother and mother in law, in every single role, she makes sure she brings in a lot of variety and range. It is interesting to note that despite working for so many years, Saba Hameed is one of those actresses who does not settle for monotony and always makes sure she adds something unique to her characters. This is the reason, the character of Shireen happens to be the most dynamic, unique, and probably the best character of Prem Gali.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Adam – Mushk

Adam is one of the few male characters in this list who has a really positive side to his personality. A sweet, sensitive individual with a spiritual side, Adam keeps the viewers looking forward to more. Adam’s one-sided love for Mehak and his attempts to make her happy show, that when it comes to love, he is completely selfless. He has his own ideas and ideals about love which are quite interesting. Although Adam is madly in love and has been shown going out of his way to please Mehak, he is not a fool otherwise. He is an intelligent young man and someone who would find a way out of any difficult situation at all.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Guddi – Mushk

There are few layered characters with a strong negative side which hold the interest of the viewers the way Guddi does. Even though Guddi is selfish to the core but her intelligence and confidence make her a likable character. She is not one of those done-to-death negative characters since she does not have personal vendettas and grudges. It is also good to see a female character that is likable even though it is flawed. Guddi’s witty dialogues and observations have made the viewers laugh along the way. Mushk wouldn’t have been the same without her!

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

Ismail – Raaz e Ulfat

In the drama serial Raaz e Ulfat, where every character is shown to be at one extreme of the spectrum, Ismail Miyan seems to be the only character who is sane and wise. Although his niceness has been pushed to the limit as well he knows how to strike a perfect and healthy balance. This is another reason that his niceness is used to lure Mushk towards him because he genuinely has a kind and big heart, big enough to accommodate Mushk with all her flaws and shortcomings. Ismail is also aware of the fact that Mushk does not love him but he continues to be nice to her. Such nice and accommodating husbands are rarely seen in Pakistani dramas, therefore it definitely makes Ismail Miya one of the best characters seen this year.

Best On-Screen Characters of Pakistani Dramas 2020

This completes the list of best characters seen in Pakistani dramas this year. Which one of these characters became your favorite? Please share your views and don’t forget to add more names to the list.

Fatima Awan & Zahra Mirza. 


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