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Bhai – Episodes 34 & 35

I found these two episodes quite difficult to watch. Not just because of the episodes themselves but also because I could not find Saturday’s episode anywhere until Sunday evening and then the print was quite awful. My complaining aside, there was not much development in these episodes except Ifrah’s eyes have dried up and all that hoarse screaming has taken a toll on her vocal chords for she barely spoke and when she did it was not very loud!

Ashraf takes ‘180 degree transformation’ to a whole new level. Hammad’s death has opened his eyes, yes we get that and although it is great to see him trying to be a good guy now, it is a bit much to stomach at times. He goes again to Saira to ask for forgiveness and she finally does except when she is talking to Sufiyan later she says she has forgiven Ashraf but not ‘dil se’. What?

Better late than never. Yes, I know. But really, Ashraf? Matric exams at this level and point in his life? I was going to switch off my laptop if he said to Jawad that he planned on asking Ifrah to teach him but thankfully he is not that crazy. Saira agrees to teach Ashraf and I could not decide whether their tuition scenes and Ashraf’s ‘mein nay homework nahin kiya’ was sweet or cheesy or bit of both or none of either and just plain absurd! Nouman Ejaz did look funny though when he licked his thumb before turning a page.

So in my teens I read loads of romantic novels and watched plenty of movies – and then I grew up. Hence, Sufiyan’s constant ‘tum mujh say naraaz ho’, ‘tum meray saath khush ho’, ‘mein kitna lucky hoon’ is getting a bit odd for my liking. I mean, Saira looks content, looks happy with him – what’s with the soppy questions?! Don’t get me wrong – I am all for romance. Rabab-Jawad, Ifrah-Hammad, even the new Ashraf’s brooding one sided ‘lurrrrve’ I can take – but Saira-Sufiyan? Not their biggest fan.

Everything seems to be working out in Ashraf’s household. Khadija is to be married, Rabab is to be rukhsatified, Ashraf is taking more interest in work and education, Sabiha Khala looks very comfortable in the new home and Ifrah seems to have given up on life. Do I sound exasperated with this drama now? Yes, I am. It is quite evident that Ifrah and Ashraf are destined to be together and I wish they would wrap up the drama now with 35 episodes on air already and every possible madness having been shown. I have a horrid feeling Shibli will return and bas I do not fancy seeing him or any violence he may have to offer.

I am wondering if anyone is really following this drama anymore and should I bother to continue reviewing it? Kindly share your thoughts!

Kunwal Javid

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