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Bikhra Mera Naseeb, new drama of Geo

Ayeza Khan and Sami Khan starred in recently concluded ‘Do Qadam Dur They’, a play from Geo TV, which was quite popular (as per Geo TV). To earn more from this duck which lays golden eggs ย i.e. hit pair of Sami Khan and Ayeza Khan, Geo TV is coming with new drama ‘Bikhra Mera Naseeb’, to be aired at 9 pm on every friday and saturday from 2nd May 2014.

The drama is written by Salma Younis and directed by Furqan Khan (director of Mere Humrahi). The cast consists ofย Sami Khan, Ayeza Khan, Aleezey Rasul, Feeroz Khan,Shehriyar Zaidi, Seemi Pasha, Ismat Zaidi, Saba Hameed, Mehmood Akhter, Tariq Jameel & Many others

While Sami Khan is a famous ‘bechara’ and Ayeza Khan is famous for such roles too, this drama is expected to be like ‘bechargi ki inteha’, but promos are telling some different story. Ayeza’s character in drama has a negative shade, but Sami Khan is still a ‘bechara’ in this drama. Ayeza is perhaps appearing as a spoiled child (bigra bacha) or egoistic person.

Enjoy the promo and few clicks for this upcoming drama


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Rashid Nazir Ali

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