Following the pathetic backlash that Maulana Tariq Jameel received for his speech and dua during the Prime Minister’s Ehsaas Telethon, the respected cleric has issued an apology for his certain remarks that might have upset a certain sect of the society.
A tweet from Maulana Tariq Jameel’s official Twitter account state, “During the conversation on Prime Minister’s program “Ehsas Telethon,” the mention of lies and obscenity was meant to indicate the avoidance of these deadly diseases, it was not meant to offend any individual or institution.”
وزیراعظم کے پروگرام “احساس ٹیلی تھون” میں گفتگو کے دوران جھوٹ اور بے حیائی کے تذکرے سے مقصود ان مھلک امراض سے اجتناب کی طرف اشارہ تھا نہ کے کسی فرد واحد یا شعبہ کی دل آزاری، جو سچ اورحیاءکا دامن تھامے ھوئے ھیں اللہ تعالي انکے طفیل ھماری اس مشکل گھڑی کو عافیت سے مبدّل فرمائیں۔
— Tariq Jamil (@TariqJamilOFCL) April 24, 2020
“I sincerely apologize if my conversation has offended any individual or department,” wrote Maulana Sahab in another tweet.
اگر میری گفتگو سے کسی فرد یا شعبہ کی دل آزاری ھوئی ھے تو میں تہہ دل سے معذرت خواہ ھوں۔
— Tariq Jamil (@TariqJamilOFCL) April 24, 2020
Although the social media has been abuzz with mixed reviews about Maulana’s speech, a number of Pakistani celebrities have come out in Maualana Sahab’s support, claiming how it is unfair of people to judge him for what he never intended.
Dua Malik questioned, where was freedom of speech?
Feroze Khan wrote, how Maulana Sahab shouldn’t have to apologize to anyone at all for what people understood.
Actor Bilal Qureshi said that he had heard the dua by Maulana Tariq Jameel thrice and still found whatever he said to be 100% accurate.
Humaima Malick said that we should be ashamed of calling out Maulana Tariq Jameel, who perhaps was the only unbiased cleric in the country.
Anchorperson Jasmeen Manzoor wrote how it was heartbreaking to see Maulana Sahab apologize.
#molanaTariqJameel it was heart breaking to see Molana sb apologise to this corrupt system and people who support and take due advantages from them including media . Respect and support for him and all those who are asking him to apologise must apologise to him now !!!!
— Jasmeen Manzoor (@jasmeenmanzoor) April 25, 2020
Actor Muneeb Butt wrote that he respected Maulana Tariq Jameel more than ever now
Veena Malik wrote, how if Maualana had been a journalist or an anchorperson, he would have had the license to freedom of expression via his ‘sources’
اگر مولانا طارق جمیل صاحب صحافی ہوتے تو بغیر ثبوت کےکچھ بھی کہہ سکتے تھے کیونکہ صحافی کچھ بھی کہہ سکتے ہیں ثبوت مانگو تو کہتے ہیں خفیہ زرائع بتائے نہیں جاتے
پیمرا میں دبنگ بندہ چاہیے جو جھوٹی خبر پر پابندی کے ساتھ صحافیوں کی لتر پریڈ بھی کرے
— VEENA MALIK (@iVeenaKhan) April 25, 2020