Anam Tanoli’s tragic demise has left everyone in shock. Some from the Fashion fraternity whether knew her personally or not took to social media and talked about mental health and cyber bullying. Upcoming model, Anam Naveed Tanoli’s body was found yesterday from DHA Lahore.
Her death nevertheless started a new debate. Many are talking about the importance of mental health and the stigmas surrounding it and some of the stars are using their star power for the cause.
Armeena Khan
Armeena Khan is known for being vocal about her political views and she isn’t quietly sitting around this time either. The Janaan starlet took to her twitter and said,
“A young, up and coming Pakistani in model died yesterday. On the face of it, it looks like suicide by hanging. I wonder what could possibly have driven a talented young girl like that to take her own life,”
Mawra Hocane
Mawra Hocane took to her Instagram and expressed her grief and concern on Anam Tanoli’s tragic death,
“I didn’t know her personally but I’m devastated that a young beautiful girl succumbed to the bullies around her, I spoke to a close friend of hers who told me how deeply she was affected by social media trolling and bullying at work.”
She continued,
“She was suffering from depression and the world was ruthless regardless. I wish she was stronger but I also wish that we were kinder, all of us. Be on a watch, anyone around us could be suffering from depression and your words can take someone’s life,”
The JPNA 2 starlet also added,
“I’m sorry Anam Tanoli on behalf of everyone who pushed you take such a step. My condolences and love to the family,”
“PS: We may be out here for you on social platforms but we are just like you. We get hurt, we break but we endure and put the broken pieces together to run another show for all of you. Be kind, it won’t cost you a thing. Please be kind, considerate and compassionate for others and their hearts,”
She concluded,
“It is about time we treat depression as an illness so we can comfort the ones suffering, at least. Seek medical help without reluctance. Please don’t be afraid of the society, protect yourself first,”
Momina Mustehsan
Momina Mustehsan has talked about her own experience with mental illness before, this time around she posted,
“This is a picture of me from when I was going through turmoil not very long ago. It happens to the best of us. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and we all hit points in our lives sometimes when all seems to be falling out of our control.”
Rizwan Beyg
The fashion designer took to Facebook to share his thoughts on mental illness. He wrote,
“Amidst all the awards and celebration, the tragic suicide of Anam Tanoli has been totally sidelined and not been addressed by the fashion fraternity,”
Further adding he said,
“I never knew Anam or worked with her but the awful stories surrounding her suicide are a wake up call for all those of us who still have a conscience and some shred of humanity left,”
He continued,
“Stories of body shaming and downright vicious attacks on a young vulnerable girl are hugely disturbing and what is even more disturbing is a total lack of remorse, sadness or indignation on her passing,”
He concluded,
“I am ashamed Anam and sorry I was silent at the injustice you faced at the hands of the fraternity I am part of. Rest in peace Anam because I certainly cannot,”
Social media bullying in general and bullying in the fashion industry in particular can break the strongest. The only way we can fight mental illness is by taking it as seriously as physical illnesses. We do not know the fights each of us is fighting so try to be as kind as you can be and save lives.