Top 5 This Week

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Celebrities Who Look Alike

Some of our celebrities look a lot like some of the actors in Hollywood and Lollywood. I thought it would be interesting to make a short list of these celebrities with pictures of the stars with whom they resemble. They are obviously not identical but they definitely have the same outlook. Syra Yousuf and Shehryaar Munawar in particular look a lot like Pixie Lott (an English Singer) and Hrithik Roshan (an Indian actor) respectively. Omer Khalid Butt also has a great deal of resemblance with Ryaan Gosling. I think Ayesha Alam and Cameron Diaz (An American Actress) look the same.




Syra Yousuf and Pixxie Lott

syra yusefpixxie lott


Shehryaar Munawar and Hrithik Roshan

shehryaar munawarhrithik


Osman Khalid Butt and Ryan Gosling


Ayesha Alam and Cameron Diaz

ayesha alamCameron Diaz

Armeena Rana Khan and Angelina Jolie

armeena rana khanangelina jolie

What do you think? Can you people see the resemblance between all these celebrities or am i imagining things;) Do share your thoughts and if you think there are any other celebrities that look alike please do share.

Ayesha Ahmed


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