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Cheekh Episode 21 & 22 Story Review – Unconvincing

Opening Thoughts – Half Way Through:

Ohkay so, I am glad that I got a long break from Cheekh. I didn’t review the previous episode & then they didn’t air the drama for 2 weeks so I went with a fresh mind this time around to watch the episode thinking it will definitely wow me but then didn’t. However, after these 2 episodes, I think it is safe to say that we’re finally at the half way mark of the drama which is a relief in itself.

Unconvincing Story Telling:

So, the previous episode was dedicated to Mannat’s mother & how she was being mentally harassed to testify against her own daughter if she wants to see Mannat safe & this time around she ended up doing just that.

The court case proceeded & Mannat finally graced the court with her presence but what happened after that was totally unexpected & to all extents unconvincing as well. While watching the hearing, all I could think of was the fact that Mannat was introduced as a Sherni, in fact Aqil Zada & Yawar was terrified of her but now she was turned into Bheegi Billi & the way events unfolded in order to prove that was unconvincing.

This is the biggest issue with our drama makers these days, they like to pick up social issues but they only focus on one aspect & ignore the rest. In Cheekh, they had such a huge margin of making it interesting & gripping but the writer cut the corners & focused on unnecessary negativity. In stead of showing that Mannat was working along with the lawyer to strengthen her case, they introduced that miscarriage scenario only to show her weak & mentally scattered.

It was interesting to see how Wajih’s lawyer had all the minute details like Shariq being drunk & Mannat’s video where she barged into Wajih’s house to beat him but then when it came to Mannat’s lawyer, he was fighting the case with zero information. Mannat’s lawyer was not informed about what Wajih did with Mannat’s mother like locking her up in the store room. He was also not informed that Mannat had a miscarriage because of Wajih. I totally feel Wajih’s side didn’t just win the case because of their manipulation, they won the case because of Mannat & her lawyer’s incompetence in making their case strong. Why didn’t Mannat get in contact with Shehwar after her divorce asking her to testify against Wajih. Also, why hasn’t till date Haya not recalled finding Nayab’s earring & handing it over to Yawar. I know all of these details will resurface later but considering everyone knows Mannat is fighting the case so they all should be eager to help her. It is like no one including Mannat is bothered about this case as much as they should.

Mannat’s attitude & inability of being able to put up with Aqil Zada’s cross questioning just didn’t make any sense. Mannat is the one who wanted to pursue with the case in order to get Nayab the justice she deserved so please don’t tell me that she hadn’t practiced what she wanted to say all this while in the court against Wajih. The way Mannat behaved made it look like she was caught off-guard & had absolutely no idea that she will be called to testify against Wajih in the court. As I said earlier, the writer threw in that miscarriage scenario only to show that Mannat was mentally scattered whereas there was absolutely no need for it. I so wish they were airing double episodes per week so that we could put up with these unnecessary twists & turns which are only dragging the drama & not serving any other purpose whatsoever.

Well, I guess if they had shown that Yawar & Aqil Zada bribed the judge & made him give the verdict in Wajih’s favor, that still would have made far more sense than all of what has now happened. Anyways, I am glad that we’re half way through the drama & hope that the remaining half convincingly shows the re-opening of the case & Mannat’s right state of mind.

Closing Thoughts – Popular Because of Star Cast:

Overall, Cheekh had a a lot of potential to show everything in such a convincing manner but the wrier took the easier route & focused more on the negativity but because of the star cast it is working & gaining the popularity. Other than that the story-telling is unimpressive & focus on bechargi of the so-called Sherni turned Bheegi Billi is again uncalled for. Please share your thoughts about these episodes of Cheekh.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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