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Dar Khuda Se Episode 6 Story Review – Slow Paced

Opening Thoughts – Slow Paced:

Ohkay so, this episode of Dar Khuda Se was again decent. The major issue with Anjum Shehzad’s directed dramas is the pace. This is the pattern that I have seen in almost all of the dramas directed by him where he takes things forward so slowly that you’re never given much to discuss or talk about. This is Sarwat Nazeer’s script, it is bound to be basic & simple with a lot of focus on human emotions & their circumstances that cloud their judgments, but it was Anjum Shehzad’s approach that would’ve taken it to another level. I still do enjoy watching it & look forward to it every week. but the pace of this drama is very slow & isn’t helping much.

Azhar’s Marriage & It’s Aftermath:

Azhar got married & no surprised there, he started dancing on Shehla’s tunes. Azhar is like that spoiled brat who despite being aware of his family’s financial condition asks for his wants & demands to be met. Azhar planned on a proper Valima function & even though he knew that his father won’t be able to afford it, he wanted him to get the amount he had been saving for Afreen’s wedding. Shehla is doing all of what was expected from her, she is going to be your typical evil bahu & bhabhi plus Azhar is going to be act selfishly & he won’t be able to maintain a balance between his family & his wife, that’s for sure.

Afreen is the only sane one in this entire lot of siblings. She has proved to be a support system for her parents every step of the way. Afreen has no dreams in her life that will drive her to be selfish, she just wants to do everything to make her parent’s happy & she has been doing just that. Afreen’s father can not stop praising her as well as feeling indebted to her for all that she does. Afreen’s father had an accident & Azhar & Shehla were just indifferent. Yes, Azhar did try to be a little empathetic but that’s all that he could offer & nothing more than that.

I am getting tired of Tamkeen’s one-dimensional character & her petty mentality. I am sure this character wouldn’t have looked so lifeless & bizarre if the pace of the drama had been a little better & she was given some better dialogues that didn’t just revolve around Afreen’s makeup & job!

Shahwez’s wife picked up on the fact that he was cheating on her but she chose not to confront him. Even though she gave him enough hints but may be she fears being left alone, that is why she just let it slide without making an issue about it. This behavior of Shahwez’s wife allows him to do what he feels like without bothering about the fact that he is being disloyal to her. Gul thought hiring male servants was enough but she has no idea that he will find himself plenty of options outside the vicinity of his home. Gul has her own complexes & even though she has found out the truth, she feared confronting Shahwez because she is well aware of the fact that she is not an ideal match to him & he can anytime leave her. Gul is definitely undermining the fact that Shahwez won’t leave her because he has gotten used to the luxuries & the lifestyle this marriage has provided him but then Gul hasn’t thought about that just yet. Shahwez still hasn’t been able to take Afreen out of his mind & he will surely create problems for her in the future.

Closing Thoughts – Hoping For The Story To Kick-start:

Overall, Dar Khuda Se is a decent watch but I feel it’s a high time for the real story to kick start. I can already feel that my patience is being tested. The direction overall is pretty decent without much flaws or lack of attention to details but it’s just that the pace of this drama is coming across as the biggest flaw of this drama. Please share your thoughts about this episode of Dar Khuda Se.

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.


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