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Digest Writer – Episode 04!

Ohkay so, it was another enjoyable & well-directed episode of Digest Writer. I must say I am thoroughly enjoying watching this drama because it’s different, it has a unique story that revolves around a girl who is ambitious & yes, it has a perfect pace with to-the-point scenes. For a change, it’s really good to see a story of a girl who is concerned & determined only to make a career out of her passion & to add more to it, she has a support of her family as well.

Finally, Fareeda got what she wanted & that was an approval of her father to pursue her dream of becoming a writer. Definitely, what made Anwar realize Fareeda’s worth was the advance payment Sikandar & Rida gave to her but keeping that aside he did understand that writing was a talent as well & the credit for making Anwar understand definitely goes to Jameela. As much as I enjoyed watching the scenes of Fareeda’s family where they got to enjoy an outdoor snack & a shopping spree sponsored by Fareeda, I really wish their mother was a bit fair & reasonable. I say that in context to how she treated Jameela in comparison to Fareeda. Zareena was never supportive of Fareeda but for obvious reasons, her attitude changed towards her but the way she treated & rather snapped at Jameela made me feel a lot for her because even though Jameela doesn’t contribute to the household expenses, she does her bit & in return only expects some acknowledgement, a little sympathy & some attention. Jameela on her own is definitely going through a hard time because she really wants to settle down & have a life of her own but to see her mother snapping at her wasn’t appeasing. Obviously, being a mother Zareena does think about Jameela’s wedding, which is why she was planning to gather some dowry & some gold ornaments for her, but she doesn’t really know that before all that, Jameela wants her attention & some words of appreciation the most. Amidst all this, it was good to see Fareeda taking care of her & taking some time out to make her realize that Shaukat wasn’t worth her tears.

I really loved Fareeda’s approach on getting paid. She knows that it wouldn’t have been possible without the support of her family so as a token of appreciation, she kept on making plans of how she can utilize her money to make her family feel better & happy. It included small plans like changing her study table, gathering stuff for Jameela, changing the furniture of her house & even some big ones where she dreams of having a place which she’d call as her home. But yes, Fareeda’s instinct has warned her of something about which sooner or later she will have to connect the dots. Obviously, Rida Anmol was kind enough to give a break to a newbie as she really was impressed with her work but just because Fareeda’s story was being appreciated, I am sure she decided to use her name instead, that’s why she lent a cold shoulder to her which obviously was so evident that both Farhaan & Fareeda got heed of. I am sure this will be a good twist in the story.

Of all the things, & no matter how irritating the character of Shaukat might be for Fareeda, but for us, he’s like a good entertainment provider because I really find his scenes funny. Even though he’s in an awe of Fareeda, he still has his complexes, that’s why he dreads seeing Fareeda having a name of her own & getting famous because he knows too well that the more attention & appreciation Fareeda will get for her work, the more she will grow apart from him, which in actual she never was interested in him but Shaukat hasn’t really gotten the hint. I am really interested to see his ways of impressing Fareeda & getting rejected every single time, haha!

I certainly enjoyed watching this episode of Digest Writer as well. I am glad we have a fresh story that deals with a different issue for now. The acting of all the actors has been great & I must say even the supporting actors have done their jobs really well. They’ve literally completed the gaps & I think they contribute in making this drama a wholesome package as well. Share your thoughts about how much you enjoyed watching this episode of Digest Writer please. :)

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Zahra Mirza.

Zahra Mirza
Zahra Mirza got associated with in 2012. After moving to Australia, Pakistani content was a way of staying connected to the roots, language & Pakistani culture because it felt home. Eight years ago, review writing began as a hobby but has now turned into a passion.

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