Urduflix is Pakistan’s first Urdu OTT platform. Urduflix will offer original and exclusive content in Urdu for its viewers across the world. It aims to promote on-demand streaming of different kinds of content. Urduflix has released its first look poster of the original Webseries “Dulhan Or Ik Raat” starring Alizeh Shah.
Alizeh Shah is a talented young actress of Pakistan’s drama Industry. She has started her career as a child star in different brand commercials and now working as a main lead in dramas. Her recent projects were “Mera dil mera dushman”, “Jo tu chahay”, and an ISPR project “Ehd-e-wafa”.
The brand new poster of Alizeh Shah’s new project for Urduflix has been released. Let’s check out the new Poster and it’s trailer.