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How to have a Happy Relationship

Nowadays people do not value there relationships. Breakups and conflicts are becoming a trend in Pakistan and also in other countries. Many of my friends face problems in there relationships. There are many causes for this; the difference in mind sets, a busy routine, lack of understanding and a lot more. Every couple has their own problems and their own ways to solve the problems. In this article I will highlight some of the ways through which a relationship can be made healthy, happy and long lasting. This article is for people who are having a commitment and also for those who are looking forward to be committed in the upcoming years.


In a relationship it is necessary that you must know what you and your partner want for yourself and from the relationship. In easy terms if the girl wants trust and care from the relationship she must tell the boy before getting into a relationship and if the boy wants space and fun then he must also tell the girl before they take any step forward. In this way both of the people will be careful and they will give what each of them demands which will result in a lesser number of conflicts. Apart from this each of the people in a couple must know that not everyone is perfect and that not all needs are fulfilled. There will be times when your partner will not fulfill your need because of some problem then you must be able to understand him or her. A person only gets to know the feelings of the other person when he sees himself in the shoes of the other person. This is why for a relationship it is necessary to understand the needs of each other.


Both of the people must be ready to compromise on things to save the relationship. If you know that your partner does not like your late night socializing, then you must have the courage to stop or minimize late night socializing for the sake of your partner’s happiness. In this way he will also give up things for you. A relationship is not only about one sided compromise or sacrifice, it is about two sided compromise. Both of the partners must learn to be happy in other’s happiness only then they will have a perfect and happy relationship. Moreover you must work hard to accept the differences between you and your partner. The same is for him or her as well. Do not demand from him to change to meet your requirements because love is unconditional and you must love him the way he is. Changing him will only make him uncomfortable so it is important to stay happy with the differences of opinion. Remember that opposites attract.


Do not agree with one another all the time but do not be rude enough to criticize your partner again and again. Respect his opinions, views and thoughts and try to interlink you own thoughts with his thoughts. More criticizing and interrupting habit will make you look like a teacher which is not suitable. You must learn to be your partner’s friend and then try to solve problems between both of you. Seeking professional help or involving the third party between your personal problems is not a good idea. It just increases the conflict. Try to solve your problems yourself and do not show to others that you had a fight. Trust is a basic brick of every relationship. Try to trust your partner. You must be confident enough that your partner is all yours otherwise people will take advantage of your habit of not trusting your partner. It will be better if you do not give any other person a chance to create problems in your relationship.


No matter how many years have passed and no matter how old your relationship is, do not forget to compliment your partner. Adopt ways to appreciate him and show him that your love for him has grown in these years. Same goes for men as well, they must also learn to propose there wives very often. This creates a happy feeling and kind of refreshes a relationship. Simple lines like I love you and I trust you or I am always there for you can create a magic in your relationship. Taking her out for dinner and giving her flowers can brighten up her life and she will get a positive energy to love you once again. Adopting these little ways can make your relationship a healthy, happy and a long lasting one. Give your suggestions below as they are appreciated.

Written by: Moomal Hassan

My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.

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